Louise Rennison_Georgia Nicolson 05
as I was deciding what to do he shoved his tongue in my mouth. No warmsy upsies, not even “My your skin is looking nice,” or “What a lovely blouse.” Not even a nodding acquaintance with one two three four on the snogging scale.
    It wasn’t that nice actually. His tongue had more than a passing similarity to Angus’s. Not that I have snogged Angus, but there has been the odd occasion when he has licked my face and the tongue has inadvertently slipped into my gob. I didn’t quite know what to do with my tongue or my teeth. My tongue was sort of being forced back to keep out of the way of his. For one horrible moment I wondered if there was something called “tonsil snogging” that no one had told me about. Mark seemed to be enjoying it even if I wasn’t. He was sort of groaning and holding me really close. I was just thinking I might try and get my hands free (they were sort of trapped in between us) when Mark did this thing. He stuck his hand (which was freezing) down the front of my T-shirt and into my nunga-nunga holder. Number eight, upper-body fondling!! Actually it gave me such a shock that I jumped back and Mark was left off balance; hestumbled into the bushes. He came out a minute later covered in twigs. He didn’t look pleased.
    He said, “What did you do that for?”
    I said, “Well. Er, it was all a bit…I don’t know that I want you to…”
    He lit a fag and said, “What did you come here for…a chat?”
    I said, “Well…I…”
    What did I come here for? Very good question. Excellent point, well made. Boredom mostly, I suppose. I didn’t think I should say that. Mark seemed really angry. He said, “Do you go all the way or not?”
    I said, “Well, no I…”
    Mark started walking off. “Girls like you make me sick.”
    And he was gone. I was left at the top of the hill alone. What had I done now? I felt really weird. And lonely.
    I walked back down the hill. When I went through our gate, Angus was lying in wait and pounced on my trousers round the ankle. With a heavy heart and even heavier trousers I dragged him indoors.
    What does Mark mean, “girls like me”?
    wednesday march 16th
    Walking to school with Jas.
    â€œJas, what number have you got up to with Hunky?”
    She went all red and girlish. “Er…”
    â€œCome on, Jas, I tell you everything.”
    Jas said, “I know and I wish you wouldn’t.”
    â€œWell. Er, when we went camping we, you know, had a bit of quality time together.”
    â€œSnogging time you mean?”
    â€œWell yes.. we, er, got up to six and a half.”
    â€œEar snogging…is that all?”
    She got huffy then and started adjusting her knickers. “There is more to life than snogging, you know.”
    I said, “Oh yeah like what, going off into the forest snuffling out truffles?”
    â€œPigs do that.”
    â€œYeah, and your point is?”
    Jas said I am being all mean and moody because of Dave the Laugh, but what she doesn’t know is that it’s not just Dave the Laugh, it’s Oscar, and now Mark Big Gob as well. I feel all ashamed somehow. Like I am tainted love.
    Rosie and I managed to escape the storm troopers (Wet Lindsay and her pathetico pals). Jas wants to read her book about twig houses, so she has gone off to the five’s court with the other girlie swots. Hawkeye insists that we have windows open, even in Antarctic conditions. She says it is good for us but she also says reading absolute bollocks is good for us, so I don’t trust her. It is, after all, she who thinks that Blithering Heights , as we call it, is a “classic.” When in fact it is a load of Yorkshire people hurling themselves around a moor in the wind singing “Heathcliff, it’s me Katheeee come home again.” And so on. We’ve only read three

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