The Wicked North (Hearts Touched By Fire Book 1)

Free The Wicked North (Hearts Touched By Fire Book 1) by Gina Danna

Book: The Wicked North (Hearts Touched By Fire Book 1) by Gina Danna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina Danna
sanity. He would have ridden horseback to the Texas wasteland and his assignment just to bypass his home, but it would have been against orders. Regulations. Damn!
    Jack finally turned to his trusted companion and pulled an apple out of his pocket. Windswept took the fruit, slobbering as he munched on it. Jack stroked the horse’s neck, trying to stanch his sadness.
    “Jack.” A hand clapped down on his shoulder.
    “Charles, come to see me off? I feel honored,” he joked before they both broke into laughter.
    “Ah, yes, to sail down the Mighty Mississippi,” Charles sighed. “It’ll bring you closer to N’Orleans.”
    Jack shifted. Yes, the river would take him to the Gulf and then to Galveston, Texas. If he could just find a way to avoid the banks of his father’s plantation, he’d feel better. It was the last place he wanted to see.
    “You see that pretty sister of yours, you tell her ol’ Charles wishes her well,” his friend chuckled.
    Jack’s eyebrows furrowed as he focused on Charles. At their graduation, Jack’s mother, sister and brother were in attendance, his father thankfully absent. But the introduction of Charles to his sister had been, well, brief. For him to remember her now…“My sister, you say?”
    “Well, you’ll be down about there,” Charles shuffled.
    “Yes, and I be prayin’ we’ve no reason to stop.” His voice was harsh. “I don’t plan on visitin’ Bellefountaine anytime soon.”
    Charles frowned. “I don’t get you, Jack. You’ve barely seen your folk in the last four years. You never talk about home or…”
    “Nor do I intend to. Charles, just drop the subject.”
    His friend’s eyebrows rose, but he kept quiet. Good, Jack thought. He hoped the old man had no knowledge of where he was going, but Jack didn’t think he’d be that lucky. Old bastard…
    “…doubt there’ll be much for ya’ there.”
    Jack’s mind snapped back. What was Charles talking about? “Whatever are you babblin’ on about?”
    Only Charles would measure an assignment using the availability of the fairer sex as his guide.
    “I just said I doubt you’ll have any pretty ones in ole Texas! Nothing but Mexicans and savages. And I’ll be here, with all the lovelies,” he patted his chest, smiling smugly.
    Jack rolled his eyes. “I think I’ll be fine, but thanks for the concern.”
    “How many pretties did you get to write to you, Jack?”
    He smirked. “A few.”
    “My sisters too?”
    “Charles,” he warned.
    “Oh, I don’t be doubtin’ ya’, not at all. You know Caroline’ll be writing,” her brother laughed. “But little Miss Em? Uh oh! You sly fox!”
    Jack turned again to Windswept, patting his muzzle. “Charles, leave me be.”
    Charles’ laughter rang loud, and Jack couldn’t help but join him. He’d miss the Virginian.
    The whistle from the steamer blew as the boat approached the dock below. Its shrill tinny sound quieted the two friends. Looking at the paddle wheeler, Jack sighed, and he stroked Windswept one more time. The horse lowered his head as Jack pulled him closer to whisper into the animal’s ear.
    “What you be tellin’ my new mount?” Charles queried. Did Jack hear tension in his friend’s voice?
    He laughed and tossed Charles the reins.
    “Just told him goodbye,” he said as he shoved on his hat and picked up his bag and rifle. With a nod to Charles, he went down the path that would ultimately lead him to Texas.
    Jack’s luck had held after all. The paddle wheeler went past his father’s plantation and onto New Orleans without stopping. From there, he took another boat to Galveston. Reaching his destination, Jack didn’t find it at all appealing. It was a dry dirt town, its only amenity an elaborate billiard hall and saloon adjacent to the Tremont House. His mood lifted upon finding his old cadet mate and friend, “Beauty” Stuart, seated at a table, flirting with the ladies.
    “They’ll let just anyone into

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