You'll Think of Me

Free You'll Think of Me by Wendi Zwaduk

Book: You'll Think of Me by Wendi Zwaduk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendi Zwaduk
can’t seem to figure him out.” Seemed like a trend as of late.
    “You will. He’s going to be a great addition to the team. I wanted someone I could trust to work on my jet since the incident with the stalker.”
    “A stalker? Wow.” Melanie spun the ruby ring around her finger. “You have led a colourful life.”
    “Enough about men.” Jojo laced her fingers together and switched subjects. “I saw your outline for the publicity sitting. I like the black and white look. I saw your work with the McMurray family on your website. Tonya was right. I cried.”
    In a futile attempt to reign in her surprise, Melanie nibbled her bottom lip and bit back a grin. “I’m glad you liked it.”
    Jojo nodded. “If you can do even a little of that for me and Rusty, I’ll be forever in your debt. I never liked looking at myself in pictures.”
    “But you’re a star? You always look good.” Melanie allowed the full-blown smile. “I mean, I’ll make sure I capture you in the best light and the most flattering pose.” Making people look good in portraits, now that was her forte. When Jojo stood next to Rusty, she glowed. Melanie suppressed a twinge of jealousy. Would she and Cade ever have a secure future together? Not until he told her what lingered on his mind or Ginnifer got out of the picture.
    Melanie cocked her head. She could hear Cade in pleasant conversation with Rusty. They laughed! She plopped back against the pillows. Warmth zinged across her nerve endings. It had been so long since she’d heard the low timbre of his laugh—she’d almost forgotten what it sounded like. She drew a long breath and puffed it out. If she managed nothing else, she’d get him to laugh more often.
    Her good feeling doused a bit when Rusty bounded into the room first. “Hello, my love!”
    As Jojo stood, Rusty dragged her into his embrace. She giggled. “He’s a goof, but I love him.”
    Pressing a kiss to her temple, Rusty wriggled his brows. “Care to show me later?”
    Cade shuffled past Rusty and winked at Melanie. The warmth in her body shifted into high heat. A blush crept up her neck and singed her ears.
    “We’d better go.” As Jojo bent to hug Melanie, she murmured, “Take it easy on him.”
    Rusty chuckled. “Why don’t you bring him along to the next shoot so we can debate NASCAR?”
    Once Rusty and Jojo left Melanie and Cade alone in the hospital room, Melanie held out her hand. Her strength began to crack. She needed his reassurance, his warmth. She needed Cade. To drown in him so their wounded souls could heal together. “Don’t leave me.”
    “You got me all night long.” Cade leaned in close, dragging the chair with him. “According to the chief fire investigator, it was arson. He thinks someone threw a Molotov cocktail into the house and soaked the front door in gasoline. Sherriff Garrison and our buddy Deputy Marcum persuaded Claire to let me stick around despite the fact that I’m not a blood relation.” He banged the arms of the poorly stuffed mustard-coloured lounge chair. “So this is my bed until Dr. Adams releases you. Rhett wanted to come, but decided he’d better keep an eye on the house. He sends his love.”
    The events of the weekend washed over her in tidal wave proportions. Her chin quivered. She didn’t want Rhett’s love. She wanted Cade. Tears fell from her eyes. “Will you hold me?”
    Careful of her burns, Cade slipped her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her. “I insist.”

Chapter Nine
    The next morning, Melanie opened her eyes and took a deep breath. Pain seared behind her eyes and every muscle in her body ached. She hesitated to move, afraid of increasing the pain, but the urge to pee was too strong and wetting her pants wasn’t an option. A sigh passed between her lips—damn, everything hurt. When she took a deep breath, the woodsy scent of Cade flicked across her senses and made her smile.
    She glanced over at his sprawled position on the ugly

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