The Soldier's Lotus

Free The Soldier's Lotus by Adonis Devereux

Book: The Soldier's Lotus by Adonis Devereux Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adonis Devereux
    “ Leaving.” Saerileth could not force out any further
words, and she hated the weakness in herself.
    “ Abrexa’s cunt!” Darien still did not
let go of her, but he was not looking at her any longer, either. His eyes were
fixed on the street. “If you want to go, go. If you wait until the morning, I
will have a writ of freedom drawn up for you. Fucking concubinage !”
    “ What?” Saerileth felt
like a fool, unable to speak more than one word at a time.
    “ If you weren’t my
fucking concubine, I’d not let you go.” Darien’s voice dropped even lower,
until it was more growl than speech. “It’s not fair to keep you here because
you can’t leave! But if you weren’t my concubine, I’d throttle Kamen before I
let him have you!”
    “ Throttle?” Saerileth’s mouth was dry.
    “ Yes, throttle! Or gut
him maybe!” Darien grabbed her other arm in his free hand and half-lifted her
from her feet to press his lips against hers. “I love you, Saerileth, but you
know that. And since I can’t keep you—” He broke off and released her, almost dropping
    Saerileth shook once from head to foot. Darien was letting
her go, not because he loved Kamen, but because he thought she wanted
Kamen, and he did not want to keep her by force. Her breath fled from her
altogether. The city lay before her; her vengeance was out there somewhere. She
could leave Darien behind, leave his power over her—
    And then her breath returned in a rush. She could not leave
his power over her. She loved him, and she would go on loving him even if she
were not with him. And he loved her. He loved her!
    “ Darien,” she said at
last, laying her hand on his arm. The darkness of his skin in contrast to her
own pallor pleased her so much that for a moment she said no more.
    “ What, Saerileth?”
Darien was looking at her again, and his dark eyes burned.
    “ I do not deny that
Kamen is a lovely man.” She could not look at Darien’s face, and she looked
down, addressing his chest instead. “He is a fine lover and one most any Lotus
could want – but not I.”
    “ Don’t play with me,
Lotus.” Darien grabbed hold of her once more. “If you are going to stay, to be
my concubine, then I will not ever let Kamen touch you again.”
    “ I don’t want Kamen.”
Saerileth leaned against Darien’s chest, nestling against the water-serpent
tattoo. “I want you.” Her confession of love trembled unspoken on her lips.
    “ But—” Darien’s voice
held a scarcely-bridled passion that caused Saerileth to flood with
    “ I love you, Darien.”
    “ Saerileth.” The word was spoken so low that only her Lotus
training enabled Saerileth to catch it. Then he was devouring her lips as his
hands roved over her body. He tore her pallav from
her, and she did not care where it landed. Her skirt, too, he ripped, and the
very violence of the motion sent fresh dampness to Saerileth’s pussy.
    “ My
concubine then?” Darien
paused in his kisses long enough to murmur the words.
    “ Always.”
    Darien’s roar of triumph was accompanied by the sudden
thrust of his long, hard cock into her aching pussy. But then, as he always
did, Darien slowed. He was holding her up, but he did not allow her full weight
to rest against his pelvis. He kept her partially supported by his hands.
    Saerileth wrapped her legs around his waist, trying to pull
him deeper inside her.
    “ You’re mine, and I
don’t break what’s mine.” Darien lowered her onto her back, using her pallav as a cushion on the smooth stone of the roof.
    “ I won’t break.”
Saerileth locked her hands behind Darien’s neck. She understood him; she knew
what he wanted. And she knew, too, why he had never been able to have it
    “ But I’m too big.”
Darien thrust forward slightly as if to make his point. “All my concubines have
said it hurts when I enter them.”
    “ And they’re right.”
Saerileth kissed Darien’s lips, slipping her tongue

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