Vice (Fireborn Wolves Book 1)

Free Vice (Fireborn Wolves Book 1) by Genevieve Jack

Book: Vice (Fireborn Wolves Book 1) by Genevieve Jack Read Free Book Online
Authors: Genevieve Jack
breasts. The latex around her nipples had puckered from her body’s response to him. Embarrassed, she turned toward the table to gather her tray.
    What was different about this man than any other? She’d served over a hundred men that night, of all different heights, weights, and colors, but none had warranted the slightest bit of interest from her or her wolf. He was slightly taller than she was and big, with hard muscles that seemed intractable beneath his shirt and suit jacket, but nothing about his size or physique was alarmingly different. Only her response was exceptional. Her inner wolf was bent over with her tail in the air, begging to be mounted. And although Laina still had control of her body and mind despite the coming moon, the wetness between her legs was instinctual, primal, and completely beyond her control.
    “I should get back to work,” she said, her back to him. “Maybe I can find someone to touch up my face.”
    “You’re absolutely stunning,” he said. “What’s your name?” He stepped toward her again, so that the front of his suit just barely grazed her back, his face inches from her shoulder. Her wolf begged her to turn, to plant her lips on his and hitch her leg over his hip. An image of herself arched over the cocktail table with his mouth between her legs filled her mind.
    Biting her lip hard, she snapped herself out of it. “I have to go.”
    His hands landed gently on the sides of her shoulders. “What’s your name?”
    Laina wanted to tell him but what name would she give? She couldn’t tell him Laina; it would blow her cover. Anna was out of the question. In this tiny town, it would take a trip to the grocery store and a five-minute conversation to learn she worked for Monty. What was the point of telling him Anita? Anita wouldn’t exist tomorrow.
    He waited patiently for her answer. Her wolf wanted him in the worst possible way, to the point she had to swallow against the drool forming in her mouth. The wild throes of desire he stirred within her caused her to tremble. Could she force herself to move away?
    The music stopped. A voice came over the loudspeaker. “While the band takes a break, I want to thank you all for coming tonight,” Nate said.
    “Wait here. Please,” the lion begged. “I’ll be back. I want to talk to you. I want to make sure you’re all right.” He left her side abruptly and strode toward the front of the ballroom.
    Laina picked up her tray and let out a relieved breath. She needed to get out of here. She wasn’t sure she could stop herself from doing something she’d regret. She crossed toward the kitchen at the back of the crowd as Nate babbled on about the success of Hunt Club and this being the sixth club opening this year.
    “And now, may I introduce to you the man who makes this all possible, the man we like to call ‘The King,’ Hunt Club’s own, Kyle Kingsley!”
    Laina’s mouth dropped open as the lion, who had left her side a moment ago, took the stage and removed his mask. Kyle, the man from her clinic, Milo’s owner, her missed date and her wolf’s obsession, stood at the microphone behind a dazzling smile. The crowd applauded.
    “Thank you for coming to the grand opening of Hunt Club, Sable Creek, where we cater to your inner beast,” Kyle said.
    He continued talking, but Laina didn’t listen. She’d had enough. She rushed from the room, remembering at the last moment why she’d come in the first place. Reaching into her apron, she retrieved the small box. As Monty had instructed, she turned the lid to activate the spell. It was surprisingly easy to navigate through the kitchen unnoticed with everyone distracted by Kyle’s speech. She slid the box into a dark corner under the sink.
    Moments later, she’d passed through the gate on the way back to Monty’s, all the while ignoring her inner wolf who whimpered bitterly over the lingering ache between her legs.

    L aina slipped into a warm soapy bath and started

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