Not So Silent Night
color without being Christmasy, which is what I would suggest for a December birthday. I have this fairly large piece already made. If your mother has a favorite flower I can emphasize it and I think she will be very happy.” Anna said, trying to be all business despite being incredibly attracted to and interested in the man in her midst. She felt drawn to him; something about him felt familiar even though she had never met him before. She had only felt something like this once before. She shook her head and stopped that line of thought in its tracks. She had work to do.
    “How beautiful. Perhaps you can add some more white roses? You are very good at what you do; this is exactly what my mother will love.”
    “Excellent. Let me put these in a larger vase, I’ll cut the roses, and you will be ready to go. It should not take me more than ten minutes if you can wait,” Anna said, heading toward the work area at the back of the store. Her mystery man followed behind her, his eyes literally burning into her from behind. She quickly began working with the flowers, doing her best to do a good job and make her customer happy, like the good businessperson she was so desperately trying to be to honor her grandmother’s memory.
    Anna got lost in her work and her thoughts, so she literally jumped when she heard the deep male voice right behind her. “You are so talented at this. How long have you been working with flowers? It is okay for me to be back here watching you?”
    “Of course it is, sir. I am trying to hurry for you but still make a beautiful presentation for your mother. As to your question, I have worked around flowers off and on my entire life. This was my grandmother’s shop. I grew up here. Once she got sick, I moved back here to take care of her and the shop. She’s gone now and I inherited the shop, for better or worse,” Anna answered without a second thought.
    “Please call me Alexander or Alex, not sir. And you are?” Alexander seemed to be so much more interested in her than in the flowers she worked with.
    “Anna. Nice to meet you, Alexander. So you just got the quick sketch of my life, so perhaps I can ask where you are from. I love your accent.”
    “Russia. I grew up right outside of Moscow.”
    “Russia? Wow! What brings you to small town Vermont? Other than the snow, I can’t imagine we are anything like Moscow,” Anna said in true wonderment.
    “My family came to visit and we wanted to go somewhere quiet. I live in Washington, D.C. now. Here seemed like a good spot for a vacation. And I must say I am glad we picked this town on a whim.” Alexander moved even closer to her, close enough they were almost touching and he could gently stroke her hair, sending a visible shiver down her back. “I am not making you uncomfortable, am I?”
    Anna swallowed. “No, uncomfortable is not exactly the word for what you are making me feel.” She turned around so she stared up into Alexander’s deep blue eyes. They were close enough for her to kiss his full lips and she found herself wanting to very much.
    “You are a very beautiful woman, Anna.” Alexander stepped even closer so their bodies touched. Anna immediately felt heat rush all through her body from only a little contact. She felt her own blue eyes widen in anticipation.
    “Thank you,” Anna murmured, feeling a blush spread across her face, so evident on her pale skin. “So are you... I mean, you are very attractive too.”
    Alexander smiled and leaned down so his lips almost touched hers. “I am going to kiss you now, Anna, unless you tell me not to.”
    “Umm, okay.” Anna’s breath grew heavier as Alexander brought his lips to meet hers. He started slowly teasing her, giving her a chance to stop him, before he deepened the kiss. At first Anna just stood there, letting him take charge, before her brain caught up and she decided to wrap her arms around him. She pulled their bodies closer together, deepening the kiss, knowing they were

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