Not So Silent Night
quickly about to move beyond kissing.
    “If you want to stop this, now is the time,” Alexander said in a tense yet tender voice as he lifted her onto her workbench. “After this, I don’t know if I will be able to stop. I want you like I have never wanted a woman. I am drawn to you in a way I cannot explain.”
    Even though it was completely out of character for Anna, her response came out as more of a plea rather than an answer. “Please, whatever you do, don’t stop.”
    That seemed to be all the encouragement Alexander needed. He brought his lips back down to Anna’s, forcing her mouth open with his tongue, clearly attempting to claim it as his own. He pushed his body in between her legs; Anna quickly wrapped her legs around him, scooting closer, wanting to feel more of his body next to hers. Meanwhile, Alexander reached down, pulling her sweater off in one swift motion, and let out a sigh of desire when he saw her full breasts, hard nipples and all, peeking through her lacy bra. He immediately lowered his mouth to her aching nipples, sucking and nipping them in turn, right through her bra, causing her to let out noises of pure pleasure. She reached back and unhooked her bra, freeing herself so Alexander could devour her more.
    Anna rubbed herself against the huge and growing bulge in Alexander’s pants, making herself wetter by the second. She pulled frantically at his clothing, needing to get him out of it as soon as possible. He raised his head from her breasts to help her. His jacket and shirt were gone in no time. Anna could not stop herself from touching his broad and well-muscled chest, running her fingers through his chest hair.
    Alexander chortled a little. “You’re tickling me.”
    “This may sound weird, but you are much hairier than most men I have been with.”
    “Then you have been with boys and not men.” Alexander slowly unzipped his pants as he spoke, unleashing himself and letting Anna see just how much of a man he really was, and though she knew there was something more than man about him, she couldn’t waste time thinking about anything right now. She immediately began to undo her own jeans and wriggle out of them. Alexander quickly kicked his remaining clothes off and helped pull her jeans off. He then reached down and ripped her panties right off her.
    “There is something about you; I don’t think that I have ever wanted a woman so badly.” He brought his mouth down between her legs and licked her with a ferocity she had never experienced before. She was so built up from the sensual tension between them, he had her screaming in ecstasy in a matter of moments and yet he did not let up. When he finally came up for air he murmured, “You taste fantastic.”
    Anna slipped off her worktable, to her knees. “Well let me see if you do too.” Again not stopping to think about what she was doing, she seemed to be full of lust and instinct as she took him into her mouth, purring with pleasure as she sucked him deeper and deeper down her throat. Alexander groaned with desire as well, wrapping his fingers tightly in her long hair, urging her to take him farther yet. She began to pick up her speed. Just when she thought he was about to come undone for her, he pulled her back to her feet.
    “No, I want to come inside of you.” He roughly turned her around and pushed her over her worktable. Anna was more than ready as she spread her legs apart and arched her ass up, inviting Alexander to take her. She had never wanted a man the way she wanted this hot and aggressive stranger; she loved how animalistic he was with her, bringing out the animal in her as well.
    Alexander grabbed her by the hips and plunged into her. She saw stars for a second and he gave her a minute to adjust before he started pumping into her in earnest. Anna began moaning as she pushed back into him, urging him deeper into her. He was so large, a little pain mixed with her pleasure, but it all suited her just fine. In fact,

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