Tales of Casporix (Journal of Deiham)
Chapter 1
Adopted Then Forgotten
    Journal date: Feb 25th,
    Dear journal, or whatever. My name is
Deiham; I’m 8 years old. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to write in
this thing. Anyway, Mrs. Caldwell said it would be a good Idea for
me to keep a journal. She said it would help me deal with the crazy
dreams, and anger issues I have…blah blah blah. At least I don’t
have to write in it all the time. She said to write, just when I
have a weird dream, or something I want to get off my chest. She
says, (Your too stressed, for someone only 8 years old) my stress
would go away if I could just find a family. That is exactly what I
told her. I have no real family, or friends, just a bunch of mean
kids in an adoption agency. I only have one friend here. His name
is Jayson, and he gets picked on just as much as I do. I’ve always
been in state custody. I don’t even know how I got here.
    Journal date: March 3rd,
    I had a really weird dream last night.
I was 10ft under water in a swimming pool. I was sitting with my
arms wrapped around my legs, and my forehead between my knees. I
was chained to a drain, at the bottom of a pool. The chain was on
my ankle. I could see the lock, and I had a key in my left hand. In
my dream, I told myself to just give up…nobody loves me. Then I
found the willpower to survive. I unlocked the chains and swam
towards the top. Beams of sunlight were hitting my face, as the top
got closer, and closer. As I reached the surface, I was blinded by
light, gasping for air, and then I woke up.
    Journal date: March
5 th ,
    Some stupid little fat kid stole my
candy today. By the time I could tell on him, he had already eaten
it. I hate the kids here, they are so mean.
    Journal date: March
10 th ,
    I can’t believe this! The only friend
I had from this place got adopted. My one friend, Jayson is gone! I
am happy for him, but I can’t help but to feel sad for myself. Now
I literally have no friends.
    Journal date: March
15 th ,
    My dream last night really got me
thinking. I dreamt I was standing on the street, and the ice cream
man came by. As he stopped, kids rushed to get their ice cream, but
I couldn’t move. I couldn’t hear, or touch. All I could do is
watch. All the kids were enjoying their ice cream, and I was stuck
on the side the street. I feel like all the kids are getting what
they what expect for me. I’m just stuck here, lonely.
    Journal date: March
18 th ,
    Today at the playground, some kids
were throwing sand at me. I asked them nicely to stop, but they
wouldn’t. Finally, Mrs. Caldwell came over and made them stop. She
talked to me afterwards. She told me everything would be ok, but I
disagreed with her. She kept saying, that someday I will find a
home, but I don’t believe her. I just want to get out of this
    Journal date: April
4 th ,
    Some of the other kids thought it
would be funny to hand me bag of Cheetos, filled with carrots! Oh
ha ha. They said (They are both orange, just eat them). I didn’t
find it funny, but they were all laughing at me. I can’t stand
these kids.
    Journal date: April
10 th ,
    Yet another kid is getting out today.
She is so lucky! I just can’t wait to get out of here.
    Journal date: April
12 th ,
    I had a nightmare last night. A beast
was chasing me through the woods. He had a sword in his hand. Just
when I thought I was going to get away, he appeared in front of me.
I’m not sure how he ended up in front of me. He put his sword down
onto my neck, but then he stopped. I woke up screaming. I haven’t
dreamt of anything that scary in a long time. It took forever to
fall back asleep, and I am so tired today. I talked to Mrs.
Caldwell about my dream. She said, I just need to remember what she
told me before. That dreams are not real, it’s just our
imagination. I never want to imagine anything like that
    Journal date: April

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