Tales of Casporix (Journal of Deiham)
th ,
    I had a really cool dream last night.
I dreamt that I had super powers. I was creating all the
superheroes I love. I was giving them backstories, and special
powers. All of them answered to me! I was their leader! I couldn’t
even begin to think how awesome that would be! Yes, Superman, I
want you to travel to New York and watch over the people! HA…that
would be so cool! I really didn’t want to wake up from that dream
it was awesome!
    Journal date: April 15h,
    I normally don’t make two journal
entries in one day, but some kids were picking on me earlier. I was
playing out my dream in real life, when it happened. I was acting
like I was giving superheroes some orders, and one of the kids
said, (Yea right, like anyone, would ever listen to you, nerd!).
Then they all started laughing at me.
    Journal date: April
20 th ,
    Today was a pretty good day. I didn’t
get picked on, and I had a lot of fun. There is a new kid here, his
name is Jack; we actually played for a little bit
    Journal date: April
21 st ,
    Well, my friendship with Jack didn’t
last long. Some of the other kids told him, that I was a nerd, and
if he wanted to be cool, he shouldn’t hang out with me. I hate
followers, good riddance Jack.
    Journal date: April
25 th ,
    I am getting kind of use to being
alone. What is the point of having friends? Especially in this
place, kids come, and go all the time. Except me, I’m stuck
    Journal date: May
1 st ,
    I dreamt I was standing on top of a
snowy mountain. It was freezing cold. All I was wearing was a pair
of shorts. Then the weather changed, and I was on a beach. I was
building a sandcastle. All the sudden it began to rain heavily, but
I couldn’t move. I could only see the sandcastle fall apart, as the
hard rain hit it. I can’t begin to imagine what this dream meant,
I’m not even sure if dreams have meanings, or why Mrs. Caldwell
said to write them down.
    Journal date: May 14,
    I can’t believe it! I can’t believe
it! I’m sooooooo excited! I finally got adopted! I was sitting at
the park earlier today, and a girl named Paisley came up to me. At
first I was thinking, who is this blonde little girl, in this pink
dress, full of yellow flowers. She must be new here. But she wasn’t
a new girl! She told me that she was going to be my sister! I knew
it was true because her eyes were full of excitement, just like
mine! We played at the park, going up, and down the slide, and
playing tag. Then Paisley said, (Look its mommy, and daddy!) I
couldn’t believe I was finally getting parents. It is an orphan’s
dream to be adopted, to be in a real home. When I looked over at my
new parents I was super excited. Mark and Brenda were their names.
They told me that today was going to be my birthday! I’m super
excited; I’ve never had a birthday before! Gotta go…

    Journal date: May 18,
    Wow! Birthday parties are fun! I had a
blast. Mark and Brenda had taken me to a pizza place. The pizza
place had video games, and I earned tickets from playing them! When
we were done, I got to spend my tickets on toys! How
    Journal date: June
15 th ,
    Whoa, the time has been flying. I’m
having so much fun with Paisley. We get along so good. We are
inseparable. I found out a little bit more about my new mom and
dad. My dad Mark works at a steel factory. He works around a lot of
fire, and hot steel all day. He likes to come home, and have a
drink after work. Which is okay with me. He is a nice dad. My new
mom Brenda is an English teacher. She tries, and tries to correct
my grammar…I keep telling her, I’ll get it someday.
    Journal date: July
3 rd ,
    Paisley told me today, that Brenda
couldn’t have kids after they had her. That is why they had to
adopt me. I didn’t care what the reason was. I was just glad that I
had a family.
    Journal date: July
6 th

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