Tales of Casporix (Journal of Deiham)
    Fireworks, and barbecue! It was so
fun. I must admit, I was a little scared of the mortal shells, Mark
made me go light one, but it was fun! I survived. I had such a
blast on the fourth.
    Journal date: July
18 th ,
    Paisley said that we are going to be
moving soon. Not too far away though. Mark wants to be closer to
his work. We are going to get a bigger house! I’m super
    Journal date: Feb
21 st ,
    Oh wow! I thought I lost this old
thing. I haven’t seen this book forever. I have been keeping
another journal because I thought this one was long gone! Maybe one
day I’ll combine the pages, but I’m a little to busy right now.
Just an update for this journal, I’m 12 years old now! The time has
flown! It’s already been 3 years, heck almost 4. My birthday is
right around the corner. Everything is still good! We love the
house, been in it for quite some time now. I need to keep writing
in this journal. I like to look back at my life…it’s pretty
    Journal date: May
12 th ,
    Well, this is just freaking great! A
couple days before my birthday, and I get attacked by a loose dog.
Darn thing knocked me down to the ground and scratched up my face.
It left a big gash. The doctors had to put in stitches…ugh…dogs! I
was scarred for life!
    I thought they were supposed to be a
man’s best friend! Now I’m stuck in this stinking hospital, just
sitting in bed, bored. Paisley fell asleep on me, and Mark and
Brenda went to get us food. Hospital food sucks. Especially the
food at St. Richards Hospital, ATTN ATTN…Room 65 would like to stop
all food service! GROSS!
    Journal date: August
9 th ,
    I had a pretty good summer. I spent
most of the time hanging with Paisley. School is about to start up
soon. I am worried about dealing with other kids. I never get along
with other kids in school. Hopefully, this time will be
    Journal date: August
18 th ,
    Well, I’ve come to find out that not
much has changed with kids. A-holes. I don’t understand why it’s
always so hard for me to fit in. I figured with my black hair, and
blue eyes, that it’d be easier to fit in. I’m not overweight, and I
don’t even have acne. I just have a scar, big deal. I thought I
could at least get a girlfriend, but it is hard to get girls to
like me, when all the boys pick on me. They always call me
(Scarface or Track cheeks)…GOD! I hate this scar; I think that’s
what the issue is with these stupid kids. I just look different.
Well, at least I still have Paisley.
    Journal date: Jan
18 th ,
    I had another weird dream today. I was
on a train. It just kept going and going. It never made stop. It
just passed people at all the places we were supposed to make a
stop. There was only light passing through the windows, from the
sides of the tunnel. It was so dark and lonely. I was the only
person on the train, besides one man. He was standing with his back
towards me, facing the door to the next cart. He was just swaying
back and forth. He never tried to open the door. I kept yelling at
him “Mister! Mister! But he never said anything. As soon as he
started to turn around, I woke up. That dream was like a symbol of
my life. Every time I tried to talk to someone, to make a friend, I
couldn’t. I just passed the world by unnoticed. No one to share a
seat with, anywhere, Blah…I need to snap out of this. At least I
have Paisley and my family. It’s not so bad I guess. I just wish I
could make friends.
    Journal date: March
5 th ,
    I’ve finally made a couple friends. My
best friend is a kid named Devin. He is cool. We like to hang out,
and play video games together, and a lot of other stuff. I’m glad I
have a friend. Paisley keeps wanting to tag along when we play
together. Devin, and I did stuff that any normal 13-year-old kids
would do. If we weren’t playing video games, we were shooting his
old brother’s BB gun. I’m always

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