Talent Chronicles 2 - Impulse Control

Free Talent Chronicles 2 - Impulse Control by Susan Bischoff

Book: Talent Chronicles 2 - Impulse Control by Susan Bischoff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Bischoff
Impulse Control
    Scribd Edition
    Copyright 2011 Susan Bischoff
    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.
    Copyright to the additional sample material included at the end of the primary work is also held by the author.

    All cover art was designed by Robin Ludwig Design Inc.

    Scribd Edition, License Notes
    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only and MAY NOT BE SOLD for commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please visit http://susan-bischoff.com to discover other works by this author. Thank you for your support.

    Author’s Note: This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Note from the author: I’m just a girl who wants superhero romance! Is that so much to ask? Why must it always be a tragedy? Why does Angel walk away? Why does Spike—
    what did happen to Spike? Why did Wonder Woman go back home after the end of season one and WWII, then come back , work with Steve Trevor’s grandson , and still not hook up? Seriously! And let’s not even talk about Superman Returns , ok? Let’s. Just. Not.
    The Talent Chronicles Series began with my desire for more superheroes! More romance! More
    Superhero!Romance. In my stories, I like to explore how the things that make us different can sometimes be the making of us. The Talents are kids born with a variety of supernatural abilities. Because not everyone can read minds or move things with their brains, the general population has become afraid of them, resulting in various legislations and a government agency which seeks to find and control them.
    Kids who are discovered to have these abilities are removed to government-run research and training facilities known as State Schools. That’s where this story takes place…

    Impulse Control
    A Talent Chronicles Story
    by Susan Bischoff

    The natives were getting restless.
    My fellow inmates were getting restless. The class we were waiting for should have started two minutes ago.
    Doesn’t seem like much, two minutes, but classes were always on time. Everything was always on time. And any deviation from routine generally meant some kind of trouble.
    It was unusual for them to leave us unsupervised. Well, how unsupervised can you be with two cameras mounted in the room? But it was unusual not to have any NIAC—
    National Institutes for Ability Control —personnel physically there to eyeball us. I’d heard stories from kids who hadn’t been at State School #15 as long as I had, who’d come from normal schools and normal lives on the outside. They said kids acted up at school sometimes, caused trouble just for the sake of causing trouble. Took the consequences just to get attention, or for the thrill of breaking rules and the possibility of escaping with no consequences at all.
    It was hard to wrap my brain around that. But then, Detention doesn’t mean the same thing to them. Out there.
    My pencil snapped in my hand. Damn.
    Ethan, Karen’s voice soothed its way into my brain, you need to relax. It’s probably nothing.
    I glanced over to throw her a smile, reassure her that I was fine and not a danger to myself or others…except for the pencil. She was fiddling with her long, black hair, and while her mental voice was calm as ever, she couldn’t hide the apprehension in her grey eyes.
    Then those eyes flicked to Elle who, a moment later, turned in her seat and reached across the aisle toward me. I put the two pieces of the pencil in Elle’s hand. She closed her fist around it, opened her hand, and I retrieved my pencil, good as new, from her palm. My fingers brushed her skin and I felt a tingle all the way up my arm. I had to clear my throat to whisper “Thanks,” at her. I doubt she heard

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