Her Willing Submission - A Bride Blossoms With BDSM and Male Domination

Free Her Willing Submission - A Bride Blossoms With BDSM and Male Domination by Kim Acton

Book: Her Willing Submission - A Bride Blossoms With BDSM and Male Domination by Kim Acton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim Acton
    They left the restaurant and in the elevator to their room Eva was visibly trembling with anticipation. Andre’s words about severe punishment cut through her like a knife. She kept hearing them over and over in her mind and it made her insane with lust. She should have been dreading the pain, and to some extent she was, but she wanted to feel that rush of pure libido that came before and after the ordeal. She wanted to feel that sense of willingness to do anything she was ordered to do, no matter how depraved or slutty it was. Soon she would feel all of that and more.
    When they entered the room Andre did not let her take a single step once they were inside and the door was locked. “Strip immediately. Then get all the sex toys and put them on the bed, but I want you to crawl around the room doing it. Crawl on your hands and knees and always keep your cock-sucking mouth wide open in case I want to put my dick in it. Understand?”
    “Yes, Sir,” she yelled. She tore off her clothes as she fell to the floor and began to crawl to the luggage that contained a dildo, belt, cane and anal plug. She collected the items and placed them on the bed and remained on her knees waiting for his next instruction.  
    Andre told her to stand up and when she did he grabbed both of her nipples and pinched them hard. She screamed. He pinched them harder, “What do you say?”
    “Thank you, Sir. Thank you for pinching my nipples.”
    He ran his hand along her pussy to feel the heat and moisture already waiting. Then he felt pubic hairs. He pulled his hand away and slapped Eva across the face. Her eyes flashed wide open in disbelief. It took her a moment to regain her senses, “Thank you, Sir.” She felt a flush of heat run through her cheek and neck and it made her wet with submissive desire.
    “Go get your eyebrow tweezers and make sure you crawl with your cock-sucking mouth wide open!” he barked. Eva complied immediately and when she returned from getting them out of her make-up kit in the bathroom Andre had already fastened the belt of the hotel robe to the headboard of the bed. “Lie on your back,” he commanded. He tied her hands together tightly and fastened them to the headboard with the belt.
    “You were told to keep your pussy shaved and smooth. I just felt stubble,” he informed her.
    “I’m sorry, Sir. I was in a hurry to get ready for the beach and I must have missed a spot,” she pleaded.
    Andre was firm, “There is no excuse. Now you’ll learn how hair is removed when you don’t respect the fact you are allowed to use a pain-free method. Spread your slut legs right now!” he ordered.
    Eva obeyed and spread her legs open wide. Andre selected a single hair located close to her tender labia. He quickly tugged it and Eva winced and cried out. By the time he’d plucked a dozen there were tears running down her cheeks and she was pleading that she was sorry and she would never be careless again. He continued plucking without mercy until all of the hairs were gone.  
    Then he told her she would get the belt. She complied immediately and rolled onto her stomach.
    Andre laughed. “You’re not getting the belt on your ass, Eva. I’m going to whip your little cunt. We’ve only removed the hair you missed. That wasn’t punishment, that was only completing the task you performed carelessly. Now it’s time for punishment. That means a hard whipping and since your cunt was the offending area it only seems right to punish your cunt. Don’t you agree?”  
    “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir,” she said as she rolled onto her back, hands still tied together at the headboard, and spread her legs in willing compliance. She took a breath, “I’m very sorry for my carelessness shaving. Please whip it good, Sir.”
    Andre raised the belt and Eva closed her eyes tightly.  
    She screamed and raised her hips in the air.  
    She screamed louder and her hips fell to the bed.  
    “I’m sure all the

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