Mage Prime (Book 2)

Free Mage Prime (Book 2) by B.J. Beach

Book: Mage Prime (Book 2) by B.J. Beach Read Free Book Online
Authors: B.J. Beach
expectantly up at him. “Good morning gentlemen. I will come straight to the point. We are hurtling inexorably towards a major crisis. With your invaluable support and co-operation, together we can develop a working plan to deal with it.”
    An attendant, quietly and unobtrusively walking the room, raised a little blue flag and called out in a clear, resonant voice. “Minister Allyn has a question, your Majesty.”
    Vailin looked across the room and groaned inwardly as he saw who had collared the attendant. He had a feeling he knew what was coming, but gave a brief nod of acknowledgement.
    A slightly built, sallow faced man with thinning grey hair and ridiculously large ears, Allyn’s voice was high-pitched and abrasive as he poked a dismissive gesture towards the raised dais. “If any of this involves these so-called magicians then I, for one, wish to register a protest!”
    To their credit and no less than Vailin expected, this outburst elicited no reaction from Symon, Karryl or Agmar. There were however, loud rumbles of agreement from various quarters of the room.
    Vailin held up a placatory hand. “I realise that some of you have a quite marked aversion to the use of magic, but this particular situation makes it imperative that we fight like with like. Those of you who have studied the history of our ancient city may be aware of the magically contrived creatures, once thought to be extinct, known as grelfons. No doubt the news is now out that three of these evil and dangerous creatures have recently been slain within the boundaries of our palace.”
    Judging by the response to this last revelation, the news most certainly was not out. The room erupted. A few of the ministers headed for the doors, only to find their way barred by crossed halberds held firmly in the iron grip of stern-faced guards.
    Vailin rose quickly to his feet. The roar which issued from his mouth was impressively stentorian. “Enough!”
    The threatened melée was reduced to a pushing match as Vailin folded his arms and looked down at his unhappy ministers. “It would appear that many of you are not taking your ministerial duties as seriously as I personally would like. You have all received files on this matter. Apparently you have chosen to ignore them. Therefore you may now remain here while I heap upon you such unpalatable facts as I deem fit.”
    Deciding not to hide his smirk behind his hand, Karryl let it stay for all to see. He turned to Symon who, to his surprise, was also grinning widely. They both looked across the width of Vailin’s throne at Agmar. The elder was stoically surveying the proceedings, his hand loosely wrapped around the blue jewel he wore. Everyone having settled to his satisfaction, Vailin sat down again just as the thunder of grounding halberds announced the arrival of a new presence in the room. All faces turned towards the open doors.
    As one, Vailin and the three magicians rose to their feet, and Karryl openly studied the tall woman who now walked with grace and serenity into the Council Chamber. As if on command, the ministers cleared an aisle through their ranks as she progressed down the room, her bearing indicating to all present that she was obviously and unashamedly aware of the power which Karryl could sense was at her disposal.
    Next to grasp his attention as she drew closer was the colour of her eyes, such a deep intense blue, he almost felt he could fall into them. Although she seemed to be a woman of middle years, her long dark hair worn in a thick and complex braid, showed no sign of silver or grey. The air of serene wisdom which accompanied her spoke of someone far older. Karryl felt as if he had known her all his life. He ventured a sideways glance at his young monarch. The love and emotion written on Vailin’s face far outshone the words of any poet or minstrel. Nevertheless, the woman stepped close to the dais.
    Kneeling on one knee she bowed her head, not rising until Vailin spoke. “Dear Lady

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