An Unintentional Affair (The Affair Series Book 1)

Free An Unintentional Affair (The Affair Series Book 1) by Randi Ocean

Book: An Unintentional Affair (The Affair Series Book 1) by Randi Ocean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Randi Ocean
astounding. I fell against him, my
heart pounding.
    “You’re amazing,” he
whispered as he reached up to switch off the swirling water.
    “I feel very safe in
your arms, Adam. Thank you for taking such good care of me.”
    He kissed the top of my
head, and we languished in the tub for a while longer. I could hear his racing
heartbeat beginning to slow. The only other sound was the soft music from the other
room. We didn’t speak, just held each other. It was enough.
    After a while, the
bubbles subsided, and the water was cooling off. We stepped out of the tub and
he wrapped his arms around me engulfing me in the soft robe. He held me tightly
and kissed my neck. “Are you hungry?” he asked. It seemed like it hadn’t been
that long since lunch, but when I looked at the clock I realized it had been hours
since we left TJ’s, and the bath had provided a complete escape from the realities
of the day.
    “I could probably eat a
little something.” We ordered a fruit and cheese plate, plus a charcuterie
assortment. The cool sparkling water that came with the snacks was refreshing
after the steamy bath.
    Adam noticed I was
drifting deep into thought again. He held my chin and said, “Let it go for
tonight. Nothing’s going to change in the next few hours, so let me fill all of
the corners of your imagination for a while longer. Tonight is going to be all
about you.”
    He licked my lips, and
kissed me gently, pulling all my attention right back to him. He loosened the tie
of my robe and slid his velvety hands inside it. His forefinger slowly grazed a
path up my torso and between my breasts, circling around my nipple. Caressing
my breast, he drew the nipple between his lips. His tongue teased me as both
nipples stood at full attention. He gently pushed me back onto the couch and
licked down my torso into my folds. I pushed my hands into the pockets of the
robe and squeezed the soft fabric, holding on for the next wave of arousal. He
spread my legs and lay down with his mouth positioned perfectly to taunt me. His
tongue danced over me. In me. Around my clit. His thumb moved in titillating
circles as his other hand held me open. He was in full control over the most
sensitive corners of my being. My body writhed. I threw my hands over my head
and held the arm of the couch tightly as my back arched, and my hips moved into
him. He could tell when I was on the verge of coming, but rather than allow my
climax, he would take me to the edge and shift his tongue at the last moment to
prolong the arousal. My tipping point seemed to get higher and higher each time
he brought me close. He pressed his mouth against me so his lips were holding
mine open. His tongue worked feverishly as he held my ass, tilting me into him.
The orgasm rippled through me like an earthquake. My entire body trembled. He continued
lightly licking me to taunt me a little longer. He seemed to know just the right
balance between pain and pleasure.
    I could barely breathe
from the intensity of the orgasm. My heart was pounding. “Oh, my God, Adam! I
don’t even want to know how you learned how to do that!” I lay there for a
moment, trying to breathe.
    He smiled broadly and
said, “You taste so sweet.”
    “I want to feel you
inside me.”
    “Oh, no, tonight is all
about you.”
    “But that is for
me. I want you! ” I pleaded.
    He stood up, loosened
the tie on his robe, and held his arms in the air and smiled. “Okay, have your
way with me. Whatever your pleasure.”
    Taking his hand, I led him
into the bedroom, slipped the robe off his shoulders and dropped mine to the
floor. Climbing onto the bed, I reached for him. As he lay down, I rolled him
on his back and climbed on top of him. Unwrapping a condom, I ceremoniously
unrolled it slowly over his magnificent shaft as he studied my hands. I entwined
my fingers with his, holding his hands over his head as I slowly and easily slid
him inside me. He was so hard, and my folds were slick from the

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