Leap of Faith

Free Leap of Faith by Tanya Stowe

Book: Leap of Faith by Tanya Stowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tanya Stowe
Tags: Christian fiction
    Bright, blue skies. A warm, January sun. Temperature hovering at about sixty-two. Perfect weather. Just right for the Heart’s Haven get-together and the exact reason Zoe Wyndham had decided to stay in Angel Falls after she completed her last stained glass repair job. The small town on the edge of the Angelina Forest offered great year-round weather, lots of trees, green plants, and wonderful people.
    Of course, the angels had something to do with it, too.
    Zoe smiled as she filled her plate with fresh fruit and salad. The Lord’s heavenly guardians surrounded this country. Zoe could sense them and feel their presence. She didn’t know what made this particular area so special, why so many remained in this location. But she was certain years ago, when the first pioneers came, they saw the angels, too. That’s why they named the nearby forest Angelina.
    Not many people understood Zoe’s affinity and affection for angels. In fact, there weren’t many people she even discussed it with. But Mr. Hart, her landlord, understood. In fact, Zoe believed he could see the angels. He wouldn’t admit it out loud but he knew things…even more things than Zoe. Sometimes he’d cock his head a certain way, as if listening to someone not there. Other times he’d look at an empty spot and smile and nod, agreeing with some unseen presence. Like right now.
    He nodded to the air beside him then fixed his piercing gaze on Zoe. He made her feel as if he knew everything about her and could see right through to her soul. Flustered, she looked away.
    It was downright disconcerting…even for someone like Zoe. Years ago, when she first became a Christian, her pastor told her she had the gift of discernment. He’d assured her that her sense of knowing was a true gift from God and nothing to fear. For an insecure fifteen-year-old who had spent her life traveling from commune to commune with her parents, his words were a blessing.
    Zoe never seemed to fit in. She thought she’d found a home when she found Jesus but even then, she seemed a little “off”—at least that’s what people had said. A little too wise for her tender age. She knew things without being told and even Jesus’s children shied away from her. But when her pastor put a name to her “knowing” and said it was a blessing, she actually started to believe. For the first time, she felt unique, special in His eyes. After that, what other people thought about her didn’t seem to matter as much.
    These days, Zoe was very comfortable doing the unexpected. Just a few days ago, she offered to help her procrastinating neighbor unpack. Pia Peretti was tall, confident, and gorgeous…everything Zoe was not. Instead of being intimidated, Zoe had helped her and now, she was certain they were going to be good friends.
    Thoughtfully, Zoe fingered the beautiful cross necklace Pia had given her. In fact, she was sure Pia would be a very important part of her life from now on out.
    Pia hadn’t arrived yet, but her brother Gabe stood at the grill next to Mr. Hart and Hart’s nephew, David, who had moved in a few days before and offered to barbecue the ribs Texas style for today’s get-together.
    Zoe tried to ignore the very pointed look Mr. Hart sent her way and stepped closer to Pia’s brother Gabe. He stood beside David, a messy rib gripped in his fingers and barbecue sauce smeared over them.
    “I have to admit,” Gabe said. “These are pretty good. But I’m still not sure they’ll measure up to my Chicago style ribs.”
    “You’re on,” David said. “Next time, it’s your turn to cook, and the neighbors will vote.”
    A grin lit Gabe’s face. “That’s a deal, but I think you’re gonna regret it.”
    “Think so?” David replied.
    Gabe nodded. “When my buddy Zack gets here, he’ll set you straight.”
    “Zack’s not coming,” Mr. Hart said, not taking his gaze off Zoe. “He says he’s sick.”
    “What?” Gabe said. “Zack’s never been sick a day in

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