Talosian Chronicles 5: Raptor Squadron

Free Talosian Chronicles 5: Raptor Squadron by Ben Winston

Book: Talosian Chronicles 5: Raptor Squadron by Ben Winston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ben Winston
encrypted comm protocols to inform the Raptors of what was planned. When Ian launched for the Hyperion system, another message would be sent alerting the teams according to a predetermined schedule. The Raptors couldn't reply; they were too deep into enemy space to risk exposure, but receiving a message held no risk for them.
    Ian stood and looked out at the room full of ship Captains and troop Commanders waiting for him to begin.
    "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome and thank you for coming. In four days, I will lead an assault team in the retaking of the planet Hyperion. There are two primary objectives for this operation.
    "The first objective is to retake the Talosian world of Hyperion and to ascertain how the Empire has been treating that world and its inhabitants. After the elimination or capture of all enemy forces occupying the planet, we will render any and all aid to the civilian population on an as-needed basis. A secondary objective to this is the rescue and repatriation of a Benesian Agricultural Ambassador and her aides that were trapped on the planet when it fell. An image and all required identification information will be given to you prior to our departure.
    "Many of you are no doubt wondering why, if this mission is to free a Talosian planet, we are using a multi-national, Alliance force. Simple, this is an Alliance world we intend to rescue, not simply a Talosian one. It also involves our second primary objective. That goal is to draw an Imperial Task Force to Hyperion to stop us."
    He had to stop a moment as many of the beings in the room suddenly began muttering and talking amongst themselves. He raised his voice. "Yes, we are intentionally trying to get them to attack us with an over-whelming force.
    "The initial assault on the planet will be made by the Star Dancer , the Prometheus and the Zephyr in support of the twenty-fourth Talosian Marine division and the Second Ferandi Hussars. The rest of this fleet, including the Tiamat and her escorts, will remain on station in hyperspace by maintaining a null relative velocity, along with the Third and Fifth Alliance fleets that will meet us there. The three initial ships will drop out of the system and send Raptor teams in to recon the planet and verify our intel. Once that has been done, we will proceed in system, loudly and boldly making our presence known. The ships guarding the planet should have almost five hours to call for help before we destroy them.
    "We will deploy our Marines and fighter wings and secure the planet. If the Empire responds as Alliance Intel believes they will, the Imperial fleets should arrive at this time, and try to trap our ships close to the planet. We will 'run away' to solar north and away from the planet; we are the bait. When the Imperial force commits to pursuing us, the rest of you will drop out of hyperspace and the fight will be on.
    "Once we retake Hyperion, we will move on to the next planet and give them another opportunity. The same bait and trap tactic most likely won't work again, but we have a plan for that too. Unit specific goals and objectives are in the briefing files you should now all have. Does anyone have any questions?"
    A Croanian Captain stood. "Admiral, how many ships should we expect the Empire to send?"
    Ian nodded. "We are expecting thirty or forty light to medium ships with a few heavies mixed in to keep us honest. There is one thing I want to make absolutely clear; any Imperial warships arriving at Hyperion are not to be allowed to leave. The intelligence folks can sift through the wreckage if they want, but every enemy ship will be destroyed."
    Another officer stood and Ian nodded at him. "If I may ask, Admiral, what planet will be the next one we liberate?"
    Ian saw that almost all of them wanted to know that answer.
    "I really wish I could tell you, Commander. However, because of the nature of this plan, that target won't be selected until shortly before the mission begins when each mission is

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