She's the One

Free She's the One by Kay Stockham

Book: She's the One by Kay Stockham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kay Stockham
ways of revealing the identities behind pseudonyms and anonymous copyright. Secrets never stayed buried, and there were certainly no secrets in the publishing world.
    Dylan searched the room for Colt and found his son coloring a picture on the floor in front of the couch. As though sensing his father’s stare, Colt looked up at Dylan but quickly glanced away.
    Damn . He shouldn’t have lost his temper like that. He’d have to talk to Colt, but how could he get Colt to understand the importance of keeping his distance from the guests without making him afraid of his own shadow?
    Finishing off his stew in a minimum of bites, Dylan helped himself to some of the dried pineapple pieces Zeke kept on hand for a sweet treat after lunch. Fresh fruit was expensive to have shipped and the canned fruit was usually served after dinner.
    Dylan watched Alexandra banter with the men seated around the table, looking for any clue to indicate subterfuge.
    Maybe the scene between Alexandra and Colt had been innocent. But if it wasn’t innocent, if she had ulterior motives for being here, it would take time to ferret them out.
    “Dylan knows all the right spots for you to get some great pictures. Right, son?”
    Drawn into the conversation in a way he couldn’t ignore, Dylan shrugged. “Alaska is full of prettypictures. Catching sight of a wolf isn’t easy, though. They’re elusive on a good day. Some of the bears haven’t gone into hibernation.” He poured himself a glass of water from the pitcher on the table. “A few still come to feed on the far side of the lake.”
    “These are the Neacola Mountains,” Zeke added. “We’re at the base of the range and the streams flow down from the ice caps and empty into this lake. Makes for good fishing, bear viewing. Moose seem to prefer the opposite bank, so you might get a shot of one of them. It’s not a matter of seeing wildlife here, it’s just a matter of when.”
    “That sounds awesome,” Alexandra said. “I’d like to try my hand at fly-fishing while I’m here, too. The brochure said you have equipment to loan if needed?”
    “That we do,” Zeke said. “I’m not supposed to be out in the weather much yet but Dylan will be happy to show you what to do. Won’t you, son?”
    Dylan shoved a piece of the fruit into his mouth and chewed, unable to say no since keeping an eye on her might be a good idea.
    T HAT AFTERNOON A LEX BRACED her feet farther apart on the bottom of the lake and cast again. And again. She might be able to see the enjoyment in this in the heat of summer but now?
    Didn’t think about freezing to death while you fished, did you?
    The insulated waders offered some protection, but combined with the cold air she was at the icicle stage despite her thick layers of clothing. But she couldn’t quit, not until she caught some thing because Ansel,Walter and Dylan were all watching her, waiting for her to give in or complain.
    Not gonna do it, boys .
    Ten more minutes passed before she heard someone coming up behind her. Alex turned to find Dylan approaching, resignation on his face.
    “I have to hand it to you,” he said quietly once he was in range. “You lasted a lot longer than I ever thought you would.”
    Was that a note of admiration she heard in his voice? She didn’t respond, not sure she could without revealing the fact that her teeth chattered.
    “Look, I’m sorry I went off on you earlier about Colt.”
    Ah, a real apology? Willing to compromise for the sake of peace, she said, “I should’ve asked for permission first.”
    Seconds passed and they stood there, surrounded by water and the not-so silent silence of nature. There was a rush from the stream pouring into the lake from their left, an eagle screeching overhead and a moose calling out in the woods around them.
    Alex glanced at Dylan from beneath her lashes, aware of it all but totally caught up in Dylan’s presence.
    Okay, someone needs to lighten up. “Are you sure there are fish

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