Summer Storm: A Satan's Fury MC Novella

Free Summer Storm: A Satan's Fury MC Novella by L Wilder

Book: Summer Storm: A Satan's Fury MC Novella by L Wilder Read Free Book Online
Authors: L Wilder
Tags: Romance, MC
Allie told him as she started to stand, still pointing the gun at her brother. “I tried to be the sister that you needed me to be, but I can’t do it anymore. I can’t let you keep hurting people… hurting me.” Her hand trembled as she pulled the trigger and shot Tony in the center of his chest. Allie stood motionless as his limp body dropped to the floor.
    *     *     *

Chapter 13
    I couldn’t get the image of Tony’s lifeless body out of my mind. The moment I pulled the trigger I knew he wasn’t the brother I’d always thought he was. I’d lost my brother the day my parents had died in that crash. From that moment on, he’d changed forever, turning into someone I didn’t even recognize. I’d allowed myself to believe that he was something he wasn’t, a caring, loving brother who would always look out for me and love me… be my family. Ultimately, he was just a cold-hearted shadow of a man that didn’t really even care about me, and it broke my heart.
    When he shot Kane, something inside of me broke. When Kane’s life was threatened, I realized how much he truly meant to me. The thought of losing him shook me to my core. Even with his deceit fresh in my mind, seeing him lying there fighting for his life made me understand that I’d love him no matter what. He was a risk, yet the most certain thing I had ever known.
    As soon as the prospects saw Tony hit the floor, they jumped into action. In a matter of minutes, Kane was being rushed back to the clubhouse. On my way out the door, I glanced back and watched as the prospects removed Tony’s body from my house and erased any sign that he had ever even been there. My heart ached for him, but my concern for Kane overshadowed all my other thoughts. I needed to know that he was going to be okay. The doctor that they had on call at the clubhouse spent almost an hour tending to Kane’s gunshot wound. It felt like the longest hour of my life as I waited to find out if he was going to be alright.
    When they finally called me back to see him, a sense of relief washed over me. As I walked into the room and saw him for the first time, I froze. A storm of emotion raged through me as I looked at him lying in that bed. His shoulder was completely bandaged and his arm was in a sling. He’d risked his life for mine, and I hated seeing him hurt.
    “Come here, All-Star,” he said as he patted the side of his bed.
    I couldn’t move. My mind still couldn’t process the fact that he was there alive and actually talking to me.
    “Allie…” he said firmly. “Come here .”
    Without saying a word, I walked over to him. I reached out and ran the palm of my hand across his cheek. He took my hand in his, pulling me closer to him.
    “You okay?” he asked as his eyes searched my face.
    “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that? You had me scared to death. Really…how do you feel?”
    “Baby, I’m fine. Sit down,” he told me as he gently squeezed my hand. As soon as I sat on the edge of the bed, he said, “You know, I’ve told you from the beginning, I’m not a good man. I’ve done bad things in my life….”
    “Don’t, Kane. We don’t have to talk about this right now. You could’ve died tonight…” I began.
    “No, Allie. Listen. When I started this with you, I was no different. You already know I was using you to get to your brother. What you don’t know, is that every word I ever spoke to you, every kiss, every touch, was real for me. The moment we met, I knew you were it for me. For the first time in my life, I saw a future… a future I wanted with you. I’m sorry it started out as a lie, but you changed me, Allie. I love you, and I will spend my life showing you that every day.”
    Tears streamed down my face as his words sunk in and touched my heart. I could tell by the look on his face that he was being completely sincere and meant every word he’d just said. Kane meant the world to me, and I was relieved that he felt the

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