Under His Wings

Free Under His Wings by Naima Simone

Book: Under His Wings by Naima Simone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Naima Simone
hit the floor as her arm dropped to her side.
    For years she’d anticipated each night when would she escape
to the place where she could see Nicolai, be with him, make love to him. And
for years she’d dreaded the morning when she’d awaken to an empty bed, alone and
    But Nicolai was here. In her bedroom.
    In…her… bedroom .
    Suspicion wormed its way past elation. Her smile faded as
the stain of doubt expanded like an ink blot across paper. How was it possible
he’d strode straight out of her dreams? And why now? Her gaze shifted to the
window. Her thoughts strayed to the backyard and what she’d seen crouched on
the grass.
    No. That’s crazy.
    But the last two days had been the epitome of bizarre. A man
had changed into a monster before her eyes. Her friend had been ripped to
shreds by the same man-beast. And now the winged warrior who had existed only
in her imagination stood in front of her.
    Her breath snagged in her throat. Images from her dreams of
magnificent wings extended high and wide flashed in her head. She swore she
could feel their feathered gentleness as they closed around her, sheltering her
as securely as his muscled arms.
    “Who are you?” she whispered.
    Nicolai didn’t say anything, his expression closed, as
inscrutable as the unblinking stare studying her. Her unease ratcheted up a
notch and her grip tightened on the poker once more.
    A corner of his mouth twitched as if he’d noticed her
defensive action.
    “You know who I am,” he said and she shivered under the
sensual power of that low midnight rumble. The seductive drawl too was the
same. “I think your question is what am I?”
    Yes, that question had taunted her. Yet even as she’d
thought it, the answer had risen to her mind, swift and certain.
    “Hippogryph,” she blurted.
    Surprise flared in his eyes—eyes she knew were the exact hue
of the most perfect violet—before his lashes lowered, his inspection of her
becoming hooded, appraising. Blood heated, coursed through her veins,
transporting desire along the vascular highways until it pooled in her sex,
pounded in her clit. Between her thighs, her folds swelled, moistened. He
stepped closer and the moonlight caressed him like a doting lover, illuminating
the striking planes of his face, emphasizing the wide shoulders.
    She shook her head, dumbfounded. She should have been
frightened by his calculated scrutiny, not turned on.
    “And how did you come by this knowledge?” he asked, the tone
soft but containing a hint of danger that warned her to tread carefully.
    Common sense returned and fear crept up and overtook lust.
    “Harry Potter,” she replied, breathless. Her feet took over
and shuffled backward, placing more space between them even as she babbled, “ The
Prisoner of Azkaban. Buckbeak.”
    Confusion, then what appeared to be chagrin, crossed his
features. His lips twisted into a humorless smile that bordered on a grimace.
“Of course.” He paused. “Buckbeak.”
    Again, her gaze darted to the window. “That was you
outside?” Tamar hesitated and for a second her throat closed around the
question. She was almost afraid of the answer. When he maintained his silence,
she continued in the same halting voice. “You’re like the man from last night.”
    His face underwent a transformation from wry annoyance to
grave sobriety. He nodded tersely. “But not the one who killed your friend.”
    Terror swept through her, its power weakening her knees. Her
shoulder smacked the wall and pain radiated from the socket down her arm. The
poker fell from her hand and dropped to the floor with a solid thump. Nicolai
shifted forward and she uttered a small cry, scooting along the wall until she
trembled in the corner again. She held up a hand, palm out.
    “Tamar,” he said, ignoring her warning, and eliminated more
of the distance between them.
    “No,” she rasped.
    She didn’t want to be afraid of him, didn’t want to believe
the man who’d caressed and kissed

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