Playing the Game. (Business and Pleasures)

Free Playing the Game. (Business and Pleasures) by Valentina Lovecraft

Book: Playing the Game. (Business and Pleasures) by Valentina Lovecraft Read Free Book Online
Authors: Valentina Lovecraft
    Chapter 1
    R in dressed hurriedly, throwing the previous night’s shoes out of her way as she dug around the floor of her wardrobe, looking for two from the same pair. She was going to be late to the last will and testament reading of Michael Altman’s executer.
    She had gone out last night with Anaise and some of the girls from the office. The last Sunday of the month, they always met somewhere for dinner, then on to the comedy club Harlequin to have a laugh. Originally Anaise organized the night, she had discovered the Harlequin club after a date she had been taken on ended up there, she'd been convinced that a scheduled girl’s night would do wonders for office relations. It turned out to be such a good night out, that the group of girls made it a monthly date. It certainly kept the working relationships ticking over.
    Rin at last found a pair of patent cream court shoes with a sensible heel. They would go with her navy skirt and cream blouse. She stuffed a packet of Ibroprofens from the cupboard into her bag, followed by a bottle of spring water and checked herself in the mirror. The good thing was; she didn’t look as awful as she felt, the bad part, was her serious lack of makeup. At least she had had the sense to tame her hair into a refined twist.
    Allowing herself a moment longer to dig about in her bag for a lipstick, she eventually found a slutty deep red. She sighed inwardly, it would have to do for now, s he thought.
    After applying and checking for the essentials, she grabbed her keys and left for the solicitor’s office.
    She had been informed of her invite to the will reading on the previous Friday. It had taken her by surprise, now she was nervous over the reason. Surely, it should only be a family affair?
    After her former boss’s wake and that day’s events spent with his own son, life had started to fall back into normality.
    Light and dark flashed past the windows as the train carriage she sat in wound its way towards her destination. Usually she cursed London’s underground network for the delays, but today, on time, she wished she had a valid reason not to arrive.
    She sighed as she allowed herself to think of him again. He would be at the reading of course; he was the only son of the business tycoon Michael Altman. At least Anaise would also be there too-to defuse any tension.
    Anaise was her friend and colleague but also Michael’s daughter, and sister to the man who wouldn’t leave her thoughts; Jensen.
    Waking up naked, bathed in the early-morning sunshine that streamed through the penthouse windows, in the bed of an extremely cut rich guy; had been pleasant but reasonably disorientating. Rin had planned to sneak out to a bathroom to freshen up and align her thoughts, but the effort of sitting brought home a painful reality; she was either still drunk or teetering on hung-over, and every muscle ached, particularly in her lower regions.
    Eventually, she had gathered herself together along with her clothing (except for her knickers; they had mysteriously disappeared,) and took refuge in Jensen’s lavish bathroom. She figured she could make a quick getaway and leave him sleeping, but she had no idea where in the city they were, or if she could get home and into work in time. After rapidly dressing and dashing out the front door without glancing back, she had hopped into the lift and was home free.
    Although Rin had managed to get home and into the office on time that morning, she hadn’t contacted Jensen again, feeling that their consummation had gotten that day of crazy emotion out of her system. She realised that she had spent most of that Monday in various stages of in ebriation otherwise that day could have gone very differently. In rightful tribute, the hangover that followed and developed throughout Tuesday was a killer!
    She had hoped to hell that Anaise wouldn’t tear her a new one, but when she saw her in the break room, she was all business as usual, no hint of

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