R.I.P Robbie Silva
my arm. 'I knew it.' The smile was back on her face. The rain was so heavy now that I delivered her back to the boozer.
    Silva was sparking up a tab as we arrived.
    'Jed, you don't want to be too hasty ... this is a nice bit of work. I've had it checked out. There's no fucking filth attached; I've had this van under obbo for the last three trips and I swear to fuck each and every time I was tempted to do it myself ... they're chumps. Two lardy-arsed melts who can't pass a fucking Little Chef without nipping in for a plate of egg and chips!' He was cringing at me, the creases in his brow and cheeks deepening with every new plea. 'I tell you mate, I've checked it out. I've checked you out and everyone I know says you've got the minerals for this lark so what do you say?'
    I watched Gail ease past her father in the doorway; she was dripping wet now.
    'I don't know,' I said. 'I have a bad feeling in my gut about it.'
    Silva took a drag on his B&H, cusped it in his hand, prison-yard style, then leaned over to me. 'Jed, this is a heavy bit of work. We're talking quite a few shekels here. I'd be fucking worried if you didn't have your doubts ... but don't go looking a gift horse in the mouth because your bottle's tested.'
    I turned on him. 'Fuck off, don't give me that. There's fuck all wrong with my bottle. I'm a professional, that's all!'
    'All right, all right ... you have your pride, and I admire that. So, to show I'm a fair bloke, I'll put you at the head of the crew.'
    'It's your say all the way. I'll fill you in on the recce I've done and all the ins-and-outs from Big Shug and then you can make the final call.'
    I was far from convinced, but there was that part of me that always said fuck-it. 'Okay, and we split it 50/50.'
    'I wouldn't have it any other way.' Silva flicked his tab into the wet night, reached out a hand to my shoulder and dragged me back into the pub. 'Welcome aboard, lad ... now let's get a pint down. Only one mind, got a big day ahead of us tomorrow.'
    I looked him in the eye. 'What's on tomorrow?'
    Silva grinned, 'The job, mate. The fucking job's on tomorrow!'

    * * * *

    Jasper was packing a holdall when I got back to the flat.
    'What's up, rent-man catch up with you?' I said.
    'Looks like you're doing a runner ...' I pointed to the bag he was stuffing with socks and jocks.
    Jasper straightened himself. 'Got a bit of work on, going to be out of town for a bit.'
    I nodded. 'You too?'
    Jasper turned back to the bag. 'I'm off to sunny, sunny Spain.'
    'Oh aye, Viva España!'
    He finished packing, zipped up the bag and flung it on the floor. 'Not till tomorrow though.' He stood over the bag, kicked it under the kitchen table, then put his hands on his hips. 'What about you – picked up a bit of business, have you?'
    I didn't want to tell him about the job – he'd only talk me out of it. 'Something like that ... fancy a pizza?'
    Jasper's face lit up like a five-year-old's. 'Fucking right!'
    Job done.
    I called Pizza Express, got two large meat feasts on order. As we waited for them to arrive Jasper told me about his latest boat trip. Seems he was going out to pick up a load of gear that wouldn't pass through the proper channels. It sounded very last minute to me but who was I to question him on his business. Fuck me, if he'd asked what I was planning to do next it was sure as shooting he'd be poking holes in it. A hoor of a business.
    When the pizzas arrived I fired into mine, but I didn't really have an appetite. The Silva job was bothering me. I knew it was all a big gamble, but I tried to shove it to the back of my mind because I knew life was all a gamble and living like a square-peg was no life at all.
    Jasper cracked open a bottle of Chianti, said 'Suppose I better get used to this before Spain!'
    I eyeballed him. 'That's from Italy, you muppet!'
    He smiled. 'Oh, yeah? ... Well, they drink it there too.'
    I shook my head.
    Jasper poured out a couple of big glasses. 'You know, if I didn't

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