
Free Bliss by Holly Hood, Maven West

Book: Bliss by Holly Hood, Maven West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Hood, Maven West
“Whatever you want to call it.”
    “Yes, we are sleeping together. That doesn’t mean he’s the guy I want or need.”
    “He’s not what you want?” I asked. “Then why the hell are you leading him on?”
    Ana refused to look at me. “Just stop. All you and every other girl sees is the hot piece of ass with the killer smile. He’s fucked up and he knows it. I’d be an idiot to fall for him or act as if I cared that much.”
    I stood up walking away before I socked her right in her smug little face.
    Carter was a sex toy to Ana.
    Ana seemed to think she could have whatever she wanted. Including Eric. Was Eric just a romp, just a fling, a thrill? I wondered if she thought sleeping with my husband was worth it. Or if it was some sick game to her.
    “So, am I standing next to the next big thing?” I asked, trying to inject some amusement into the moment.
    Carter pushed off the bar. “I guess you’re going to have to wait until I call you to find that out.” He playfully pushed me.
    I pushed him back. “It’s been days, you never planned on calling me.”
    His lips parted. “So does that mean you were waiting to hear from me?”
    “No, that doesn’t mean that at all.”
    He stepped forward, erasing the distance between us. “What would make you want to come hang out with the girl who fucked your husband then?”
    I swallowed, my hand grazing my mouth as I looked at him. “Boredom.”
    He stroked his neck, nodding. “I can think of better things to do with your time than hanging out with Ana.”
    I smiled. “I’m sure you could.”
    Carter released a sigh, his expression softer, we locked eyes.
    “What?” I asked.
    He smiled, a sweet knee knocking smile. “You’re testing me.”
    I raised an eyebrow. “I am?”
    He moved closer, allowing the people behind him by, staring down at me. “You want me to give in first.”
    I bit my lip, tilting my head to the side. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just here to get my beer.”
    Carter brushed my hair from my eyes. “Maybe I was right at one time. Now I think you’re mad at me.”
    I opened my mouth, but stopped myself from saying anything more. I didn’t want to put him down.
    “What do I have to be mad about?” I asked.
    “Ana. I stopped you from telling her about your husband. And now she’s hanging out with that douche and I don’t say anything.” He shrugged.
    I sighed. “She said your fucked up.”
    “And she’s right. I’m not afraid to admit that.”
    Boy did he have pride. “She also told me you weren’t the kind of guy she wanted to be with.”
    “Oh did she now?” Carter eyes were on Ana.
    “Yes, and as much as you want to say that you don’t care and that you guys aren’t a thing, I think it bothers you.” I could feel my heart beating in my chest.
    “And that’s when I would tell you that your wrong,” Carter said.
    I wanted him to see that I was worth his time, not Ana. “She’s not the girl for you.”
    “I agree.” He shrugged. “So you can stop being mad at me. Let’s go back to giving in.”
    “Giving in?” I asked, Carter leaned down, his mouth at my ear. He smelled amazing and I could feel the heat from his skin.
    “See that hallway over there?”
    I nodded, I hadn’t but I was sure if I needed to find it I could in a few seconds. This wasn’t my first rodeo.
    He very discreetly led me down the hallway, we slipped into the darkness, the only light illuminating was from the lights in the parking lot. I leaned against the wall, staring him down. I refused to be some little bitch that gave in that easily.
    He was going to work for what he wanted from me. And I was dying to find out what it was.
    “They call this sexual frustration,” he said,smirking.
    I nodded. “I think only one of us is frustrated.”
    He touched my face, licking his lips. This was the moment, I was about to kiss him. “ Every time I look at you, I can’t get the thought of your lips out of my mind. And what I

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