A Touch of Heaven
face or the fact she gave the keys back
willingly. She ignored her thoughts before shaking her head and
reaching for the lock, putting the key in. She got into the car
quickly; ignoring the looks everyone gave her.
    Once everyone was seated, Paige glanced over
at Megan who sat beside her. Her friend never said a word and she
gave her a small smile. Starting the car, she pulled out of the
parking space and headed home.
    "Hey Paige," Kim said leaning forward in the
seat. Paige saw her look over her shoulder, grinning at the others
before she turned her head back to her. "Did anything… happen while
you were in the bathroom?"
    "Happen? What do you mean?" Paige asked
quickly, glancing over at Kim. The girl was practically hanging
over the seat.
    "I mean, did you see Simon while you were
back there?"
    "No!" Paige said loudly, wondering for a
brief second if they could smell the scent of sex she knew still
lingered on her skin.
    Kim glanced over her shoulder again before
turning back to her. "Oh, well that's too bad ‘cause man I would
have loved to have had a taste of him. All that sweet, hot flesh
just begging to be fucked."
    Paige glared at Kim in the rear-view mirror.
She was surprised that the small comment caused a second's worth of
jealously to flare in her. The thoughts of Kim having the wild ride
she herself had just taken caused her temper to flare. She shrugged
it off before looking back at the road.
    "Yeah well, I'm sure he gets plenty of
offers," Paige said a little more hatefully than she had intended.
The thought of being one of those offers left a bad taste in her
mouth all of a sudden.
    "Oh, I bet he does," Kim told her. "I bet a
guy as hot as he is gets fucked every night of the week by one of
the bimbos hanging out in there."
    "You don't know that," Paige said
defensively, hoping she were right, but doubting it. She knew there
was no way anyone as hot as Simon didn't get propositioned several
times a night, no matter how much she wanted to deny it. She was
just another nameless girl that probably made his nights a little
less lonely.
    Hell, someone was probably taking her place
this very minute.
    "Oh I know," Kim said, smiling, "But man,
can you imagine? I bet he's a great lay. What do you think?"
    Paige sighed lightly, shrugging her
shoulder. She kept her eyes straight ahead. "I wouldn't know," she
    "Sure you wouldn't," Kim said, her smile
    Paige glanced in the rear-view mirror,
seeing Kim sit back in her seat before she relaxed and turned the
corner, heading back to her apartment. Her mind replayed the events
of the evening and she had to forcefully restrain the smile trying
to creep up on her face.
    She felt a little bad for having sex with a
stranger, something she had never done before, but another part of
her wanted to shout to the world that she'd just had the most
mind-blowing sex of her life.
    "Hey Paige," Kim said, once again leaning
over the seat.
    Paige almost growled, her thoughts of the
ultra-sexy Simon disrupted before glancing over at Kim. She waited
for her to speak before saying, "What?"
    "I was just wondering."
    "About…" Paige said when Kim stopped
    "Well, I was just wondering… is this a new
fashion statement, or do you always wear your dresses inside
    Paige glanced down, looking at herself when
Kim tugged at the strap around her neck and everyone in the car
burst out laughing. Stopping at the corner Paige took a good, long
look at herself. Sure enough, her dress was inside out. The seams
shining up at her like a big flashing sign. She bit her lip,
holding back the smile tugging at her lips and felt her face flame
    "You are so going to spill, you little
slut!" Kim yelled, laughing hard as Paige turned to face her.
    Paige fought the smile, looking into the
faces of her friends before their laughter died down to
    "Well, come on girl, don't leave us
hanging," Kim said, grinning. "You so totally fucked him didn't
    Paige stared at her,

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