A Touch of Heaven
and done it, Amy,"
Courtney chimed in laughing. "Don't be messing with Paige's beef
    "Shut up, Courtney," Paige spat out
irritated. "And he's not mine."
    Paige gritted her teeth, trying to remain
calm. How dare they purposely provoke her into a fight? Of course
she still wanted Simon. What woman in her right mind wouldn't? But
that didn't mean she would ever get to explore the option. And for
them to act like they could waltz into that club and have the same
ride she did, burnt to her very soul.
    Of course, they were probably right. She
sighed at the thought. They probably could walk in there, give the
man a little taste and get thrown up against the wall and fucked
senseless, just like she had been.
    "Only because you're too chicken to go after
what you want."
    "And who says I want him," she lied.
    Every girl in the car grinned as they looked
at Paige before they all burst out laughing.
    "Paige, you are either the
dumbest fake-blonde I've ever known or you're the biggest prude the
world has ever seen," Kim said, laughing. "You would have to be
fucking insane not to want him! Hell I want him and I haven't even had a chance
to taste him… yet."
    Paige glared at Kim in the
rear-view mirror as the word yet reached her ears. She knew they were playing her.
It was a game they knew all too well. Her being so defensive over a
guy she didn't even know just proved they still knew how to play.
But just hearing them go on and on about him was pissing her off in
a major way.
    So what if she wanted him? They all did. It
didn't mean she was going to whore herself out to him for a good
hard fuck up against a wall every Friday night.
    "Oh, bathroom, bathroom, bathroom!" Courtney
yelled as she pointed to the convenient store up ahead. Paige
rolled her eyes before she slowed the car down and got into the
turn lane.
    Pulling up to the store, Paige parked the
car and reached for her purse, the other girls talking and giggling
amongst themselves. She was trying really hard to stay in a good
mood for the reunion. Having to see her old high school boyfriend,
Lance, again caused her stress levels to rise to an all-time
    She was on the verge of hysterics. All the
talk of Simon was only causing her more distress as the gang
continued to grill her and not let the subject drop.
    "I'll be back in a minute guys," Paige told
them, palming her small purse and opening her door. She got out of
the car with Courtney following close behind. If she didn't get
away from them for five minutes, she was going to dump them on the
side of the road and leave them there.
    She loved them dearly, but lord they got on
her nerves.
    The remaining girls all sat back, waiting
for the duo to return before they looked across the parking lot as
the sound of a motorcycle caught their attention.
    "Well hello there, daddy," Kim said grinning
as she watched the motorcycle come to a stop next to the store.
Everyone's eyes were fixated on the driver.
    He swung his leg over the seat and stood
before Heather said, "God what is it about a man on a
    "It's all that black leather," Amy said, her
smile matching that of her friends.
    He reached up to grab his helmet, removing
it and laying it on the seat of his bike and the car exploded with
excited screams.
    "Holy fucking shit!" Kim yelled, slapping at
the seat in front of her. She looked out the window and pointed to
the driver. "Look, look, look!"
    Standing right there, fully clothed from
head to toe in black was Simon. His short peroxide blonde locks
were wild and curling slightly as he placed his helmet on the seat
before he walked around the front of his bike and headed in the
store. Every head turned, following his movements as they watched
him saunter across the sidewalk.
    His black leather jacket swung loosely
around his body. Again he wore black jeans but instead of bare
feet, large black boots made him look every bit the badass he
probably was.
    He turned his head to the right, scanning
the parking lot. Kim

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