Imagine That

Free Imagine That by Kristin Wallace

Book: Imagine That by Kristin Wallace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristin Wallace
hollowed out her cheeks and drained the color from her skin.
    She swallowed and forced herself to smile and not think about what sad fate could be awaiting the poor woman. Emily had often visited children in hospitals and seen how disease had wasted their bodies and stolen their lives by slow degrees. Every visit had carved a little hole in her heart. The rift tore open again as she approached.
    â€œMiss Rachel, you have a visitor,” Anna said. “She’s come from the library.”
    The woman opened her eyes. They were gray and seemed to be the only spark of life left in her withered body. Emily moved forward and concentrated on not flinching as she took Miss Rachel’s cold hand.
    â€œI’ve brought your books,” Emily said. “ For Whom t he Bell Tolls and Pride and Prejudice . I have to say you’re a woman after my own heart.”
    Anna cleared her throat. “I’ll go fix some tea.”
    â€œI don’t want to tire you out,” Emily said, thinking the woman didn’t look well enough to talk.
    â€œI don’t have much time left to visit with friends,” Rachel said with a knowing smile. “I’d rather fill my mind with wonderful memories than stare out the window and dwell on the pain of leaving.”
    Shock raced through Emily’s body. Rachel spoke so matter-of-factly about dying. What kind of strength did the woman possess beneath her fragile exterior? Where did such a deep assurance come from? Not knowing what else to say, Emily nodded and sank into a nearby chair.
    â€œYou’re new,” Rachel said. “Where is Elsie?”
    Since Emily had repeated the explanation a half a dozen times today, she could recite the story by heart now. “She injured her back. I happened to overhear about the trouble, so I volunteered to help out while I’m here.”
    â€œVery generous of you. Are you visiting someone in town?”
    â€œMore like passing through. My car broke down out by the lake. I was lucky someone came along, or who knows how long I would’ve been stuck out there. I’d never been so glad to see anything as that white truck.”
    Rachel went still. “Someone with a white truck stopped to help you?”
    â€œYeah, although when I first saw it coming around the corner, I had serious doubts. Nothing good can come out of that rattletrap, I thought. Guess I’ve seen too many horror movies. All the best ones start with someone lost on a deserted road.”
    Rachel’s shoulders shook with quiet laughter. “A woman alone can’t be too careful. What did you think when you saw your rescuer?”
    â€œTo tell you the truth, I thought I must be the luckiest girl in the world. I got rescued by my own Heathcliff.”
    â€œYou know, from Wuthering Heights? ”
    â€œYes, I know the book. It’s rather depressing if you ask me,” Rachel said. “I’m glad you didn’t encounter an ogre on the road.”
    A grin stretched the corners of Emily’s mouth. “No, I got a hero in a rusty steed. Pretty fitting, considering the way my life’s going these days.”
    â€œYou’ve hit a rough patch?”
    Emily started to confess her troubles, but something stopped her. Here she was sitting with a woman who probably didn’t have much longer to live. What right did she have to complain about a little writer’s block?
    Rachel seemed to read Emily’s mind. “We all have our trials to endure, dear. Yours are obviously causing you pain. I can’t do anything about this cancer in my body, but perhaps I can help you.”
    A twisted type of logic, but Emily saw the sense in the words. “The truth is I’ve hit a jagged, torn up, filled-with-potholes patch. I’m a writer, and my brain’s been on the fritz for what seems like forever. I keep hoping the answer to my problem is just around the corner, and if I keep moving long

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