The Black Corleones 2: Love Ain't Loyal

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Book: The Black Corleones 2: Love Ain't Loyal by Bella Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Jones
speak up now. We’ve been through too much together for one nigga to bring down what we been working towards, and besides, my pops informed us that we about to be raided, so yea, you needed to fucking be there, my nigga. This ego shit you got going on needs to stop right fucking now.”
    “I’m not the one with the ego , bro. I didn’t show up to the meeting because I felt like you didn’t need me. I’m supposed to be your right hand, second in command, and you treat me like I’m a worker. I’m supposed to be at the co-op meetings with you, instead, you took Meko. I’ve been down since we were little kids, and this nigga Meko closer to you than I am,” Cesar tried to play on Samir’s emotions, but deep down he didn’t care about being second in command, he wanted to be the top guy, because he was tired of living in Samir’s shadow. Money was changing Cesar and turning him into the apple that didn’t fall far from the tree.
    “My nigga, we started this thing together, the five of us. Meko went to the meetings with me because my father requested it. He ’s the leader of this co-op and we have to do what he says, because he made all of this shit possible. He gave us this chance, and I respect my pops. You made me look weak, like I didn’t have a handle on my shit. How you wanna be second in command if you always under minding me and being difficult? Shit like that makes us look like we don’t have unity in our crew. And it has everything to do with ego. You so worried about titles, that you missing the bigger picture, my nigga. We out here doing shit that ain’t never been done by niggas our age since them Harlem niggas did it in the eighties.”
    “My ego ain ’t got nothing to do with shit,” Cesar interrupting him.
    “Nigga , stop interrupting me, Joe… and listen to what I’m trying to tell you. We a fucking family and we need to move like one. That meeting wasn’t optional, bro. You so busy worrying about dumb shit, you don’t even know we made four and a half million dollars this past month. Niggas is starting to do bogus shit; like report us to the feds. My pops called all of us in to inform us that we’re being raided on Wednesday. But you wouldn’t know that cuz’ you acting like a female. Jealous over some Meko shit. Nigga, we’re the Black Corleones, there is no one man above this family.”
    “Damn , a raid? I had no idea, Sam. I been tripping, bro. My bad, I should’ve been there. I’m down with this family, and I’ll work on my shit, but what we gon’ do about this raid?”
    “Nothing we can do about it. We just got ta let it happen; but we gon’ clean out our traps and move everything. Pops is cutting us down until things smooth over. We really gotta put in work to cover our shorts until the heat is off. Then we need to set aside a payoff budget. Shit getting real out here, Ces, and I need all y’all down with me to continue what we started.”
    “I got you , bro.”
    “We need to be at the spot s in the morning, before class so we can make sure shit gets squared away before Wednesday.”
    Samir dropped Cesar off back at his house. He was hoping he got through to him because they couldn’t afford to have any more hang ups, especially with the alphabet boys on their heels.
    When h e got back to his building, it was the first time he was excited about being home, because despite everything he was dealing with in the streets and with the game, he knew Khloe was inside waiting for him. He had a reason to leave the woes of his hustler life at the door.
    W hen he walked into his condo there she was, asleep on the couch, looking like an angel in his eyes. He walked over and kissed her forehead, unintentionally waking her up.
    “Hey, Khloe, why are you on the couch, babes?” he asked.
    “I fell asleep waiting for you to come home.”
    “Well, I’m here now, so let’s go to bed.” 
    That night he slept peacefully with Khloe in his arms. She couldn’t have come to him at a

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