The Black Corleones 2: Love Ain't Loyal

Free The Black Corleones 2: Love Ain't Loyal by Bella Jones

Book: The Black Corleones 2: Love Ain't Loyal by Bella Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Jones
going on with him lately, but I ain’t worried about it,” Samir defended his friend.
    “ That’s the problem, son, I think you need to worry. How the fuck he not show up to a meeting that required all of you. I don’t like that shit, Sam. I take it as a sign of disrespect to you, and most importantly, to me,” Carlyle explained.
    “Pops , I’m sure there’s a good explanation for his absence, but don’t trip. I’ll handle Cesar,” Samir told his father. He didn’t want him to know how Cesar had been acting, because he knew he would take matters into his own hands. Cesar was still his man and haven’t given him any real cause to doubt him, but now with his father questioning him and Meko on the defense, he knew he had to talk to Cesar sooner or later.
    Samir left his father’s house , but he wasn’t worried about the raid, he was more concerned with figuring out where Cesar stood, because his absence was deafening.
    “What up Joe.” Samir messaged Cesar. But the message went unanswered. He took the long way to his condo, constantly looking down at his two-way, hoping Cesar would respond. The more he waited, the more agitated he became. He tried not to listen to his father’s voice, but the truth was; it was getting to him. As he was about to pick up his phone to call Cesar, it rang with a number he didn’t recognized.
    “Yo, state your case ,” he angrily answered.
    “Hello, Samir , it’s me,” a sweet, but sad voice was on the other end of the phone.
    “Khloe , baby, is that you?”
    “Yes , it’s me, are you busy?” she said crying into the receiver.
    “Khloe , what’s wrong baby, where are you?”
    “I’m at a payphone . Can you come and get me, please? I can’t take her beating me for nothing, please come, please…”
    “A payphone , what the fuck you mean? Where’s the phone I brought you, and where are you exactly?”
    “She found it and took it away. I’m in Country Club Hills at the Walgreens on One Eighty Third and Pulaski. Can you please come, please?”
    “Khlo , just hold tight, I’m on my way. Don’t worry, and don’t move. I’m coming baby girl,” he told her as he turned around and headed in her direction.
    Samir did 100 on the express way to get to her. He jumped in and out lanes, praying she was okay, and that he didn’t get pulled over. He didn’t care about the danger of his reckless driving; he had to get to her.
    When he pulled up, he saw her standing outside , alone next to the payphone. He jumped out of his car before he could put it in park, took his Avirex velour jacket off, and put it around her as he hugged her and wiped her tears. Samir kissed her forehead and assured her that everything would be okay, because she was with him now.
    “Khloe , I promise, you’re safe with me. You never have to go back, okay. I’ll always take care of you,” he told her, kissing her hand.
    “Thank you for coming ,” she told him, with tears in her eyes.
    “You don’t have to thank me. I love you, and I will always be here for you. I don’t want you to worry about nothing. I got you,” he told her.
    “Wait , did you just say you love me?” Khloe asked him in shock.
    “Yes Khloe, I love you. I’ve always loved you . From the first day I saw you.”
    She didn’t speak for a moment because she was shock ed to hear someone actually say they loved her. It was a phrase she had longed for her whole life, and here he was, the least likely person, telling her he loved her.
    “Samir, I love you too , but there is something I need to tell you.”
    “Don’t worry about it , baby girl. It doesn’t even matter because I already know how old you are.”
    “How did you know that’ s what I was going to say?”
    “I just had a feeling.”
    Samir held her hand the whole ride to his condo. He glanced at her as she stared out the window, wondering what was on her mind. He knew she had been through a lot of turmoil in her young life, but she was with him, and it’s

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