The Black Corleones 2: Love Ain't Loyal

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Book: The Black Corleones 2: Love Ain't Loyal by Bella Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Jones
exactly where he always wanted her to be.
    Samir knew he couldn’t change what she already went through, but he would make sure her future was brighter than her past.
    Khloe stared at the bright lights as they drove through the streets of downtown , and for the first time, she could breathe. She didn’t know how the rest of her life would play out, but she knew as long as she was with Samir, she was safe.
    As the y pulled up to his building, she looked at the high rise in awe. She had never been anywhere as beautiful.
    “Is this where you live?” she asked .
    “Yea , this is my place.”
    “You live here with your mother or something ?”
    “Naw baby , my momma don’t live here. It’s just you and me,” he laughed.
    Her eyes widen ed as the door man welcomed Samir back home. The majesty of the foyer was breathtaking, and right then she realized he wasn’t just some small time corner hustler. Looking at the décor of the building, Khloe realized Samir was bigger in the game then he let on.
    When they arrived in front of apartment 1507, he handed her the keys , kissed her cheek and welcomed her home to her new life.
    She walked into the condo and was taking back by how luxurious it was. The neo Italian furniture, marble counters, and back splashes were something she only seen on television or in magazines.
    Khloe took her shoes off to see if the carpet felt as soft as it looked. Then she saw the sparkle of the moon on Lake Michigan from his living room window. The view of the city was more stunning than she ever imagined. She started crying because she couldn’t believe he had finally saved her from her misery, and gave her something wonderful.
    “What ’s the matter, baby girl?” he asked, as he stood behind her and put his arms around her.
    “It’s just so pretty down here. You r house is so beautiful,”
    “Well , it’s your house now. It’s ours. You believe I’ll take care of you, right?”
    “I don’t know Samir , to be honest with you.”
    “Listen to me Khloe, I swear on my life, I will always take care of you. You ’re safe now. I just want you to smile, because you can be happy knowing that I will always be here, okay.”
    Just as she was about to answer him, his two-way went off with a message from Cesar. Samir didn’t return the message. He called and set up a meeting with Cesar right then and there. He couldn’t put it off any longer, especially with the raid coming down the pipeline.
    He kissed Khloe on the forehead and snapped back into hustler mode. He made sure she was comfortable , and headed out to meet with Cesar.
    When Samir arrived at Cesar’s house, he noticed a few cars he didn’t recognize, but he didn’t pay it any mind. He called inside for Cesar to come out because he didn’t want to speak business around niggas he didn’t know.
    “What’s the deal , Ces?” Samir greeted him when he came out.
    “What’s good , bro?” Cesar dapped him.
    “Let’s take a ride my nigga , cuz’ it’s some things we need to discuss.”
    “ What’s on your mind, bro?” Cesar asked, as they drove through the wild 100’s.
    “You tell me , my nigga. You been acting real fucked up lately, Joe. First, that shit you pulled when we were going to Houston, and then you didn’t show up today when I specifically told all you niggas to be at my pops house. I’m starting to feel like you don’t respect me or what we trying to build,” Samir told him.
    “First off , I said what I had to say on the day we were leaving for H-town, so I’m not gonna get back into that. And as far as going to your pops house, I didn’t think I needed to be there, plus, I had some other shit to do anyway.”
    “What the fuck you mean you had some other shit to do. I told you we needed to be there, so that other shit should’ve been dropped. You made me look like an ass in front of my pops, my nigga. Now is your chance to start being a hunit, my nigga. If you don’t want to be a part of this family; then

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