
Free FavoriteObsession by Nancy Corrigan

Book: FavoriteObsession by Nancy Corrigan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Corrigan
be Mira’s future mate.”
    “What the fuck—”
    “Enough, Josh.” Kade dipped his head to hide his softly
glowing eyes. “This is not the place to discuss our family’s issues.”
    Aron winked at her, all evidence of his serious mood gone.
He faced Kade, a big grin on his face. “So…as a member of your pride, I
officially request your permission to court Mira as my mate.”
    Her mouth dropped open. “How could you?”
    Kade shrugged. “You have to pick one of us and Aron’s offer
saves me from having to mate you myself. Honestly, this is the best news I’ve
heard in a while.” He faced Aron. “Welcome home, cousin. I’ve recently
purchased some properties close to mine. You’re welcome to pick one.”
    Mira glanced between Aron and Kade. She had no words. A
sense of helplessness seized her, left her trembling inside.
    Jazz, who’d been silently watching them, clicked her tongue.
She waggled her finger at both males, a move Mira had seen her friend use on
her kids. “You are both insensitive jerks! You’re treating Mira like she’s some
neglected dog in need of a new owner. She’s a person who happens to have her
own wants and desires. You have no right to force her to pick between men who
don’t love her.”
    Kade sighed. “Mating has nothing to do with love. I’m happy
Rafe and Devin found it, but the bond is all about breeding. If we find a
female who can tempt us to spill our seed inside her, it’s enough to keep us
coming back for more.” He tipped his chin in her direction. “And Mira? I don’t
know of any male who isn’t drawn to her.”
    “Three hundred years that wretched prophecy has hung over my
head.” She focused on Josh’s deep-blue eyes, the color of the sky right before
a storm, and told him the truth. “It turned me into a prize to be fought for.
It’s the reason Edmund attacked me and why I’ve been harassed by hopeful males
since. But none of my damn suitors wanted me . They wanted to be the one
who got to knock me up.”
    When Josh only stared at her with guarded eyes, she gave him
a little shake. “Do you understand now? I’m nothing more than a breeding mare.
The ultimate fucking prize.”
    With that, she shoved at his shoulders until he got the hint
and slid out of the booth.
    He grabbed her hand. “Mira, wait.”
    She shrugged out of his grip and stormed away. It took every
ounce of dignity she had left not to run. Tears she couldn’t give in to burned
her eyes. A couple of minutes, that was all she had to wait. Once she got to
her car, she could let them fall.
    Each step she took aggravated her inner animals. They wanted
to go back to Josh. She ignored their annoyed growls. They always wanted to go
back to him. She pushed her way to the front door and slipped outside. The
noose on her chest eased some.
    Eyes closed, she took a deep breath, needing to clear her
lungs of the lingering scents from the bar. A whiff of rage drifted on the
breeze. She popped her lids open and focused on the human female looking at her
with pure hatred stamped on her face.
    Lips thinned and nostrils flaring, the little redhead’s fury
rolled off her. Mira raised a brow, amused by the sight. Her cats, however,
wanted to rip the girl’s throat out. She dismissed their violent response. Too
many humans had been labeled as a threat by her inner spirits for her to take
their reaction seriously. “Problem?”
    “Yeah,” the woman nodded, “stay away from Josh.”
    The mention of Josh’s name tensed Mira’s body as her cats
slammed into her chest, desperate to get out. She tightened her hold on their
metaphysical leashes and focused on the woman’s glinting green eyes. “And what
gives you the right to tell me to do anything?”
    The woman raised her chin. “I’m Josh’s lover.”
    Mira took two steps forward before she stamped down her
anger. She curled her fingers to hide to tips of her claws. Mouth parted
slightly, she inhaled in an effort to taste the truth

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