Sapphire Kingdom: Quest Two (Dragon Quest Series Book 2)

Free Sapphire Kingdom: Quest Two (Dragon Quest Series Book 2) by S.R. Gibbs

Book: Sapphire Kingdom: Quest Two (Dragon Quest Series Book 2) by S.R. Gibbs Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.R. Gibbs
    “Are you okay? This is not like you at all.” Leo nervously asked, as he stood completely still.
    “Why are you so mean? I just asked for a hug, it’s not like I asked you to kiss me.” I cried, pulling away from him, only to feel the pressure of his arms come down around me. “See, was that so hard?”
    “Don’t forget that we are still in enemy’s territory.” Leo whispered, as he tried to loosen my arms from around him.
    “I want to hug some more. Are you afraid I will try to kiss you?” I grinned up at him.
    For a moment I thought he was actually going to kiss me, as he leaned his face closer to mine. “Try not to make any sudden movements, while I go get you more water to flush the toxic drink out of your system.”
    There was no arguing with him, as he placed me back into the corner, making sure that I did not move, while he backed away slowly disappearing into the crowd.
    As the world began to tilt and swirl, I held the wall hoping it ended. I don’t see why anyone would drink this stuff for pleasure.
    My vision began to stabilize as I spotted April near the wall ahead of me. Pushing pass the nausea I leaned up against the wall for support following to her. As I got closer I could not only see April, but Ashley backing away from her family right toward me.
    “Where do you think you are going?” I asked Ashley letting go of the wall, only to grab for it again, when the ground decided to tilt again.
    “Angie, keep your voice down.” Ashley whispered running toward me. “I don’t want to draw too much attention.”
    “Oh, what’s wrong Cordelia? Are you tired of your popularity already?”
    “Angie, are you drunk?” April asked, coming up behind Ashley. “This is not good.”
    “Oh no, she must have drunk the stargazer.” Ashley eyes widened with fear. “She needs to lay down and drink a lot of water.”
    “We won’t be able to make it to the exit, without alerting everyone.” April whispered, as her head seemed to grow. 
    Closing my eyes and reopening, April appeared to be normal again. “Let’s go now, we need to talk.”
    “I know a short cut, follow me.” Ashley said sticking her hand in through the wall, causing it to click as she passed through the wall dragging me and April along with her.

    Location: Servan t’ s Quarters
    ◑ April ◐
    Followed Ashley as we stepped out of the wall into an empty hallway.
    “It should be safe to talk here,” Ashley exhaled, as Angie angrily snatched her hand out of Ashley’s grasp.
    “Don’t touch me you, liar liar pants on fire.” Angie slurred, backing up against a door on the opposite side of the hall.
    “Let’s talk later Angie, you are not in your right mind.” Ashley stated trying to hide her grin.
    “No, as soon as my headache go away, I am going to seriously beat you up.” Angie held her head in her hands as she slid down the wall into a sitting position. “This is much better. I like it better down here.”
    “Just rest already.”
    “No, first you explain why you were avoiding us?”
    Ashley face became solemn once more. “I can’t tell you, but just know that while we are here, in order for me to protect you I have to behave a certain way.”
    “It’s just like back on Earth, once you found polarity-“
    “You mean popularity,” April corrected.
    “Yeah that word, and once you have it, you will do anything, including turning your backs on your sisters to keep it. Just like the before time!” Angie exclaimed loudly.
    “You still don’t get it,” Ashley muttered bending down on the floor next to Angie. “I wanted all of us to have a normal life that was the reason for the pact. How was I supposed to know April would be targeted? I know I was wrong to keep up the charade even after I saw how it was going to be, but that was not my intention in the first place.”
    “If you realized how wrong your actions were, why didn’t you stop?” I asked, unable to hold

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