
Free Zombies by Roger Grubbs

Book: Zombies by Roger Grubbs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roger Grubbs
don’t expect too much of me.  I am only a kid in case you haven’t noticed,” said Michael.
    “Oh, believe me , I noticed,” said Angelica in a teasing manner.
    “Hey, you didn’t seem to think so last night when you called for my help.” 
    She chose not to answer, leaving Michael to consider what that could mean.  Instead, she decided to change the subject.  After checking the time, she asked, “Where are your students?  Shouldn’t your next class be showing up by now?”
    “I figure word has gotten out about our earlier class.  After our little incident, they are afraid to show,” said the professor with a chuckle.
    “Is that a problem?  What if you get fired?” asked Michael , concerned about the professor’s position.
    “ Let me worry about that.  I have tenure at the university.  Besides, I can always use the excuse that we were conducting research.  After all, we did create quite a panic among the students similar to what happened in Salem centuries ago.  I could always say this was an experiment to prove a point,” said the professor.
    “You think they will buy it?  Besides, isn’t that lying?” asked Michael.
    “Like you I have no such restr aints, yet,” said the professor, smiling.
    “Will it ever get to the point when the professor and I will not be able to tell a lie either?” asked Michael.
    “I am not sure about that,” said Angelica in deep thought.  This left many unanswered questions for the two gentlemen.  However, they both perceived the answers were not attainable at the moment, so they dropped the matter for now.
    “Okay , guys, we need to conduct more research while we have a break.  I am expecting plenty of distractions soon,” said Angelica.
    “Could I ask another question?” asked Michael.  While it was obvious he didn’t really want the truth, he asked for it anyway.  “What if we don’t prevent the demons from getting the power they need?”
    “Then we must to be prepared for Armageddon.  Up until now, this has been a battle of the spirits.  If they get their wish, it will escalate beyond that,” said Angelica.
    “I don’t understand.  What could be worse?” asked Michael.
    “Once they take over enough souls to wage the battle, it with come at us in a different form,” said Angelica.
    “Oh, I get it.  They will raise the dead,” teased Michael.
    “Yep, and you guys love those zombie movies.  So, you should really love this,” said Angelica, patting him on the stomach.
    “Then it ’s true.  The rise of the zombies is not fantasy as most believe,” said the professor.
    “Are you seriously expecting us to believe that bunch of crock?  There is no such thing as zombies , and you know it,” argued Michael.
    “Don’t be so sure , Michael.  Have you not been watching the news?” asked Angelica.
    “You are not referring to the flesh eating mad man, are you?” asked Michael.
    “Yes I am and that is only the beginning.  Unless we win the battle of the spirits, it will soon become a battle with the zombies.” 
    That sobering thought created fear within the novice.  Michael only liked those zombie movies because he knew they weren’t real.  Now that he was learning it could become a reality, it wasn’t nearly as amusing.  “You are right about one thing.  This mess only gets worse, doesn’t it?” said Michael.
    “Yep and unless we can keep people from being overtaken by the demons, the zombies will be next.  Then it becomes a battle of the demons in the decaying flesh,” said Angelica.
    “Well , one thing about it, the demons will be inside people that have already died once,” said Michael.
    “I hate to burst your bubble, Michael.  Those creatures will go for the living too.  Before long , you will have to watch your back everywhere you go.  If they latch onto you, it will be too late for any of us,” said Angelica.
    “I thought the zombies were created by some sort of parasite that controlled the brain. 

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