Everything to Nothing
    Chapter 11
    When they were
through in the kitchen Peter took Sarah upstairs and they spent the
rest of the night together experimenting with each other’s bodies.
Peter could not believe how good Sarah was in bed and Sarah thought
the same about Peter.
    When the first
line of cocaine started to wear off she asked for another line
which he dutifully prepared for her, happy with her style of paying
for the drug. After she had taken this in the early hours of the
morning they continued with their activities deep into Saturday
morning until eventually exhaustion took a hold of them both and
they fell into a deep sleep.
    When Sarah woke
on Saturday afternoon she felt terrible. Peter was still fast
asleep and Sarah thought that she had had a bit more to drink last
night than she thought, hence why she was feeling so ill. She lay
back down hoping to get some more sleep and sleep through the
hangover, but for some reason she felt incredibly restless and she
kept on tossing and turning unable to sleep. She sat up again and
the sudden movement made her feel dizzy and nauseous. The waves of
nausea grew until she could contain them no more and she leaped off
the bed and dashed out onto the landing frantically throwing open
doors until she located the bathroom. She collapsed onto her knees
in front of the toilet and hung her head over it.
    Eventually the
waves of nausea subsided and she slowly stood up. She reached for a
glass and filled it with water. As she lifted her head to drink she
kept an eye on her face in a mirror and instantly noticed how red
the inside of her nose looked. She placed the glass down and leaned
closer into the mirror tilting her head so she could look up her
nostrils. She slowly placed a finger up her nose and was surprised
that when she pulled it out it had blood on it. She shook her head
in slight bewilderment, washed her hand and returned to bed. Peter
was still asleep, lightly snoring.
    She lay back
down next to him and closed her eyes, desperately wanting to go to
sleep, but her mind was racing and again she felt restless. She was
tempted to wake Peter up but did not think that he would appreciate
    As she was
looking over at him her eyes caught the bag of cocaine that was
resting on the bedside table. As she noticed it she felt a rush in
her body and she was surprised to find a longing in her body that
usually only happened when she wanted sex. She shook her head and
lay back down but almost instantly the waves of nausea descended
upon her again and she could not keep still. She closed her eyes,
but all she could see when they were closed was the bag. She
quickly opened her eyes again and leaned up onto one elbow and
looked at the bag again.
    Everything was
there that she needed to make herself a line and she remembered how
she felt last night after taking some. She carefully stood up and
slowly made her way to Peter’s side of the bed and picked up the
bag. The mirror and the razor blade were also there. She took them
all out of the bedroom and into the bathroom and locked the door
behind her. She carefully placed the bag on the cistern and scraped
some of the coke onto the mirror and prepared herself a line as she
had seen Peter do.
    However, her
small line was in fact a large line as she misjudged how much coke
she was scraping onto the mirror. She realized as the line was
prepared that she had nothing to snort with so she just shrugged
her shoulders and leaned over the cistern and snorted the coke
straight up into her nose.
    It was more
than the delicate blood vessels in her nose could take. She
straightened up after taking the drug and she instantly felt a warm
trickle of something wet dripping onto her breasts. She looked over
at the mirror and pouring out of the nostril, into which she had
snorted the line, was blood. She panicked and started to scream and
shout Peter’s name.
    Peter woke from
a dream in which he was being chased down a road by a carrot with a
gun to the

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