Angel Blackwood
she’s not alright! She came here looking for you; she was searching
for answers. Your
people attacked her for no
fucking reason! She wasn’t here to hurt any of you!” I hear Nixon’s
loud angry voice and the vibration of his words through his chest
against my body.
    He picks me up
and I wrap my arms around his neck, making sure to keep my eyes
closed. I can’t bear to face the fear I caused in these people eyes and the humiliation I feel
for losing complete control.
    “Wait! Please…
I’m sorry. I can help her.” I
hear her panicked voice.
    Nixon ignores her and continues
to walk away from her pleading voice.
sorry! ” I hear her closer now.
“Just hold up for a second will you?”
    Nixon’s posture
tenses , but he continues to
walk out of the gate and towards the car.
    “No! I told her
this was a bad deci sion and I
was right. She never should have come here. You people can’t help her. I’m taking her back to the pack
    “Wait!” I hear
a new voice. I lift my head up just in time to see the red headed girl run up to Nixon and I.
Nixon’s body turns rigid. I turn my head and look down at the small
girl as she blocks our path to the car. She’s a true beauty, I’ve
never seen anything as pretty as her with that fiery red hair; It
definitely makes her stand out amongst these people and the natural
earthy colours they’re all dressed in.
    Phoenix looks at me with
sad eyes. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I thought you would kill
Fabian.” She looks down at her hands then back up at me. “I’m
sorry… that was a lie. I did mean to hurt you, but only to stop you
from hurting Fabian.” Nixon growls, glaring at her.
    “ I’m sorry for
hurting you though,” she quickly blurts out, her big brown eyes
finding Nixon’s. I feel his body tense even more under her
    I watch the
weird exchange between Nixon and Phoenix as they stare at each other.
    Nixon shakes
his head to obviously clear
his thoughts before clearing his throat. He moves to get past the
girl, but the small girl side steps him.
    “Move, little witch,” Nixon snarls, and the
girl takes a step out of the way. As Nixon walks past I reach out
and give her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. I’m too exhausted to
find words to accept her apology, but hopefully she understands the
    Nixon opens the door and
places me into the front seat buckling me in. My body is exhausted
and I can barely keep my eyes open. I haven’t been able to hear my
wolf since I got here, but I’m guessing the spell they’ve cast over
the compound has something to do with it.
    I close my eyes
and lean against the window hea ring Nixon and Fabian’s yelling.
    Nixon climbs in the car,
slamming the door with a growl.
    The tyres spin as he drives
away leaving a cloud of dust behind us.


    As we hit the exit of the
woods, Nixon reaches over and grabs my hand. Squeezing it once he
says, “Next time, you fucking listen to me.”
    I don’t bother
responding; we both know I’m
still going to do what I have to do to find out how to control the
magic within me. I’m stubborn like that.
    Nixon parks his
car just outside his cabin. I move to get out of the car, but when
my feet touch the ground my
body feels heavy and I’m unable to hold my weight. Strong warm arms
wrap around me holding me in place. I smell a familiar spicy scent
tainted with a flowery perfume and immediately push against his
    “Get away from
me! ” I find my footing and
grab hold of the door. I watch Nixon making his way over to my side
looking angry as hell.
    Talon turns his glare to
Nixon, shoving him a step or two back.
    “What the hell
happened to her? What did you do?” Talon says in a deep
dangerous tone, baring his
    Nixon’s eyes
turn dark. “Oh! So now you’re worried about your mate? Where were you this morning
when I had to-”
    “Nixon, no!” I interrupt
him. Talon isn’t aware of my abilities and there’s way too much
going on

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