Angel Blackwood
between us to add another thing to the mix. Both sets of
blue eye turn to look at me.
    “No! Say what
you were going to say, I want
to hear it.” Talon shoves Nixon again and a low hiss leaves Nixon’s
    “Stop it, both of you!” I
yell at them. My energy is finally coming back and my irritation is
at full force. Of course both of them ignore me as they continue to
stand off against one another.
    “Talon, I’ve had a shitty morning and you’re
playing with my patience. Back the fuck off,” Nixon
    Talon turns to me, his
face marred with confusion as he looks my body over obviously
noticing the dirt on my clothes from my earlier scuffle with
Fabian. His hands reach out and he tries to bring me into his
chest; I can feel Faith’s eagerness to be held by him. As soon as
the flowery scent wafts through my nostrils again, my hands come up
and my head shakes. I shove against his shoulder as I move around
    “I can’t do this right
now, Talon. You need to leave.”
    He grabs my
upper arm , turns me harshly
and his eyes darken. I shrug him off and move toward Nixon who
stands rigid at my side.
    “Is that what
you really want? Me to stay
away?” He pulls me harshly against his hard chest and I push away
from him yet again. Nixon pulls me behind him, his body shaking
with rage and his eyes black.
    “Answer me?” Talon
    The smell of Lucy’s
perfume still lingers in the air and it’s enough to make up my
mind. I look between Nixon and Talon’s angry faces and
    He curses and
shouts out menacingly, “So fucking be it… Lexi !”

Chapter 6

    It took me a
while to shower, not because I was that dirty but because
my mind kept drifting to thoughts of Talon and Tyler. I refuse to
let their behaviour towards me have an effect, or that’s what I try
convincing myself of as I sit on the shower floor frozen in place,
thinking of the words both have thrown my way these past few days.
Faith continues to encourage me, reminding me that their wolves are
outraged that the twins have yet to accept me as their mate. This
it seems is the reason behind the twins taking their anger out on
    I’m trying my
hardest to deal with the crazy emotions that are fueling my every
thought. From the moment I turned for the first time, every emotion
has been magnified. Faith says this is usual, that I should adjust
within time, but the only way I know to deal with what’s going on
with the twins right now is to not deal . I’m going to
focus all my attention on finding out what happened to me the night
Noelle saved me. I know there is more to the story than my mother
or Noelle are saying; I’m going to find out what they’re hiding. At
least that will keep me busy while I give the twins time to do
whatever the hell they need to.

the shower at Nixon’s place,
Alex calls me over and asks if I’d like to go look for a dress for
tonight’s pack ceremony. To be honest I could care less about the
dress, I‘m happy enough with the clothes I have in my closet, but
if this means I get to spend some time with Alex then I’ll do all
the shopping she wants. I’ve missed her so much. We haven’t really
spent time together for a while and I just need things to go back
to how they were before.

    “It’s quite a drive,
sweetie. We’re going into the neighbouring packs territory, they
have more boutiques there than we do here,” Alex says as we drive
away from the town.
    “Is that even allowed?” I ask
her confused.
    “Of course,
honey. Your father is good friends with the Alpha of the Crystal
Bay Pack. He allows us to enter his territory, but… as soon as we
enter his land we follow his rules; the same
works for him if any of his pack cross our land,” she
    I nod my head
still unsure how the entire territory thing works. I thought wolves
were more protective over their land than that? Well… that’s what
it looked lik e when I stayed
in Point Bright; Jax’s father was very protective of his

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