Riding on Whispers (the Wolfegang series Book 3)

Free Riding on Whispers (the Wolfegang series Book 3) by Jillian Ashe

Book: Riding on Whispers (the Wolfegang series Book 3) by Jillian Ashe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jillian Ashe
informed of your…” he paused in thought, “of your lack of ability in weaponless combat. So, I’ve arranged for you to learn from the best.”
    Celeste stepped forward.
    “Oh, no, no, no. I won’t.” I backed away, laughing at their lunacy. “What makes you think I would want to learn, especially from her?” I was incredulous. Oh, how wrongly they were assuming things.
    Ricky must have said something to prompt the idea. I glared at him, I was cornered and unprepared. My hands clenched.
    “If you want to be part of this crew, then you have to learn. That’s an order.” Wolfe’s tone made it clear I had no choice.
    I stared at the captain, not believing what I’d heard. “Are you threatening me?” I demanded to know.
    Wolfe crossed his arms and lifted his chin in denial, being stubborn. “It is not a threat Kat, but if you want to be part of this crew you will follow my orders.”
    I laughed, angry and feeling a little betrayed. “I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but Celeste hates me. I’m not putting my life in her hands.”
    Wolfe stepped forward, his voice getting deeper as he pressed his point. “You may not want to, but for us to survive, the one thing we have to do is trust each other. Regardless of any other feelings we may have. You need to learn that she may not like you, but she will protect you if the need arises. Celeste also needs to know that she can count on you to protect her. The work we do is dangerous. We’re not just playing house here.”
    . My eyes narrowed; I was furious at the implied insult. His order to trust each other was unrealistic. Trust was earned; it wasn’t just given because of convenience or circumstance. I stepped forward too, until I was only a few inches from him, looking up into his pretty green, manipulative eyes.
    “What was yesterday about? ‘Make Kat like me enough until I can make her do whatever I want – to use her weaknesses’?” I accused. The words came out as a hiss.
    For a second, something crossed over Wolfe’s face, and his voice was gentler. “No, I’m glad we were able to get to know each other better, and I would like to consider you a friend.” His arms uncrossed, his body language telling me he was no longer on the offensive, but trying to be honest. I didn’t want to believe it.
    “Katerina, please.” Ricky asked. He looked uncomfortable in his corner. He wouldn’t even look at me. Wolfe is testing you. Ricky’s voice slipped through my mind.
    How much longer do I have to be tested? When will he just leave me alone? I thought, knowing Ricky would hear me.
    The silence stretched as Wolfe waited for my answer.
    Until he feels like he can rely on you. Just because he sees you as a friend, doesn’t mean that he completely trusts you, Ricky tried to explain.
    I didn’t exactly trust Wolfe either, although every part of his Boy Scout personality begged me to. I didn’t need to trust him, but I needed him to trust me so he would give me the opportunity to find Kris, and try to move on with my life.
    “Fine, but if she tries to kill me, the deal is off.” And then I would kill her. Anger cracked through me like lightening. Where did this hate come from? I didn’t just go around making death threats, even if it was just a fleeting thought.
    What was happening to me? I was losing myself in this hate, anger, and blame. And yes guilt, because my brother wouldn’t be stuck in this situation if it weren’t for me.
    “Understandable,” Wolfe agreed. “You’re starting today. We will include the training time along with your lessons on the crystal drive system.”
    I felt like I was back in school, except on a ship in space, and I was being taught by aliens. Wolfe wasn’t an alien, but everything about him was alien to me, even if his face was more familiar than I wanted to remember.
    I stood there awkwardly, still mad and not sure what to do about it. “Well, I’m going to have coffee first, and then maybe some breakfast. After

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