Dangerous Magic

Free Dangerous Magic by Sullivan Clarke

Book: Dangerous Magic by Sullivan Clarke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sullivan Clarke
stuff other items in it - a skirt, a blanket, some apples, a loaf of bread.
    "Who's here?" she asked, exasperated.
    "The witch hunter!" Colin looked around frantically. "What else will you need for a journey?"
    She ignored the question. "What witch hunter?"
    "The one I warned you about." He thrust the sack at her. "Here. Finish packing what you'll need. We have to get you out of here. I'll explain on the way."
    "No!" Lark stamped her foot. "You'll explain now, Colin. I'm not just going to leave my home because you fancy that some visitor is here to do me harm!"
    He rushed over then and grabbed her by the arms. "This isn't fancy!" he said angrily. "The man himself is here, Lark. He's already interrogated Millicent Salter and Widow Bright and extracted their word against you as a witch! It is only a matter of time before he shows up at your door!"
    "You're mistaken," Lark said in disbelief. "Millicent is my friend. She wouldn't give testimony against me. And Widow Bright couldn't give testimony against me! Age has robbed her of her mind!"
    Colin turned away and slammed his hand down on the table. Then he turned back to her. "Don't you understand, Lark? It does not matter! This man doesn't come to this village unless he believes there is already a witch there. For whatever reason, someone has identified you as such and he will simply find a way to back up that which he already believes! This witch hunter --from what I've heard he doesn't even care if the charges are true! If he gets his hands on you he will do terrible things until you confess your allegiance to the old ways!"
    "He'd not have to do terrible things," Lark was advancing on Colin now, her face as angry as his. "I'd not deny that allegiance. I never have!"
    "Has anyone ever asked you?" Colin shot back.
    "No!" Lark responded hotly "And why would they? I have an understanding with the villagers. They come to me knowing that I am not of their faith, although it has never been spoken of.."
    "..until now!" Colin said.
    He threw up his hands, exasperated. "This - this-quest to find and drive out witches is something new, Lark! It stands to change everything. Before I came here I was at the church. The man himself - Reverend Fordham - he was there. I saw him, Lark! He had terrified Millicent and he had someone in the church cellar. I think it was Widow Bright. He's doing terrible things, and if you do not leave now it will be you who suffers more than anyone. I will not allow that to happen!"
    He grabbed her arm. "Now come with me! We must go!"
    But Lark pulled away, her eyes flashing in anger. "No!" she cried. "Do you think me such a coward I would flee before this man?"
    An image flashed in Colin's mind of his own retreat from the dark stranger and for a moment he was seized by a moment of impotent shame.
    "No," he said softly. "You are not a coward. But neither are you a simple fool, and that is what it would make you to ignore my warning, Lark. Danger is coming. It's coming here. And deny it if you must, but I think despite your protests you know it." He paused. "Tell me again about the dream you had. You did not tell me all of it, did you?"
    Lark looked away.
    "I thought so," he said. "Please, Lark...."
    "Very well," she said, looking up at him. Tears were swimming in her eyes and for the first time he saw something else in them: fear. "My grandmother came to me to warn me of danger. She told me to look out the window and when I did there was a wolf - the biggest wolf I ever saw. She said, 'the oppressor comes,' and when the animal turned to look at me I saw it had -" Lark put her hand to her throat. "It wore the Christian cross about its neck, on a heavy chain."
    Colin nodded knowingly. "Then you should not doubt me. Not after that."
    "Perhaps I can't!" she said. "But I can't just..." She looked around the cottage, the cottage she had grown up in. She was at war with herself, her pride battling her common sense.
    "No," she said. "I won't go. I'll face what comes on my

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