Birthday Girl: Paolo's Playhouse, Book 3

Free Birthday Girl: Paolo's Playhouse, Book 3 by Natasha Moore

Book: Birthday Girl: Paolo's Playhouse, Book 3 by Natasha Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natasha Moore
Couldn’t think.
    Josh was next to her, not behind her.
    Baby. Not Princess. Baby!
    Oh, dear God.
    She turned her head, knowing what she’d see before she met his gaze. Knowing it would not be longish, sun-bleached brown hair or green eyes.
    Knowing the cheeks would be smooth-shaven and the hair cropped short and black as night.
    “Ben.” The name fell from her lips in a breathless whisper.
    What was he doing here? When had he arrived? Why was he here? What did he want? And dear God, why now? Why, why, why?

It takes more than a rock star to rock your world. Sometimes you need a friend.
    Tropical Sin
    © 2011 Lexxie Couper
    A Bandicoot Cove Story
    McKenzie Wood has just spied her ticket out of tabloid journalism. A rumor-shrouded rock star who thinks he’s incognito at Bandicoot Cove resort. With a little help from her BFF she’ll be on her way to serious work in no time. Aiden’s perfect for the job—pulse-pounding gorgeous, and probably gay. After all, she’s never seen him date anyone.
    Aiden Rogers admits it’s pretty damned pathetic that he can rush into burning buildings, but not have the guts to tell McKenzie he’s in love with her. No way can he tell his best friend he’d like to do some seriously sinful things to her, especially since she’s never shown one iota of sexual interest.
    Nick Blackthorne looks forward to some “unfamous” down-time in his home country. He’s surprised to find his creative muse stirred—more like brought to rigid attention—by a couple so sexy that all he can think about is the three of them. Together.
    Three bodies move together as one, and the music becomes a smoldering beat that rivals the island’s heat. When the truth inevitably comes out, the heat might be enough to save three souls…or end up just another sinner’s lament.
    Warning: One plus one plus one equals OMG sex, are-you-freaking-kidding-me orgasms and some serious mind-blowing climaxes.
    Enjoy the following excerpt for Tropical Sin:
    Aidan didn’t just scramble from the bed; he leapt from it. He stared hard at the rock star leaning in the threshold, his heart thumping fast. “What the fuck are—?” he began, a second before Nick’s gaze slid to him and he realized he was standing in the middle of a hotel room with his tackle—still semi-hard and probably glistening with McKenzie’s juices—on show.
    Jaw clamping shut, glare locked on Nick’s smiling face, he shoved his dick back into his cargos and yanked up his fly. What the hell was Nick Blackthorne doing here? And what the hell did he mean “join in”?
    “Nick?” McKenzie’s startled voice shattered the suffocating silence, and from the corner of Aidan’s eye he saw her step back from the open door, her eyebrows dipping in a stunned frown. “I…we…you…”
    She stammered over the personal pronouns, each one passing her lips in a short, breathless hiccup, her normal poise nowhere to be seen.
    The rock star raised his eyebrows, a grin Aidan would have sworn was cheeky playing with his lips, if not for the hesitation in his eyes. And the uncertainty.
    Nick himself, it seemed, didn’t really know why he was here. Or what was going to happen next.
    “How can we help you, Nick?” Aidan held the man’s stare, a heavy beat thumping in his temple, his throat. If what the singer was going to suggest was what Aidan suspected…
    An unbidden image flickered through his head, McKenzie, naked, pressed between them both, her head thrown back as both Nick’s mouth and his own explored the perfection of her throat, her breasts.
    His pulse quickened and his balls—so recently depleted—grew hard. Jesus Christ, what was he thinking?
    “I came to ask…” Nick paused, rubbing at his mouth with a hand before raking it through his hair; hair, Aidan couldn’t help but notice, much more messy than it had been at the bar. “I wanted…” He let out a harsh breath, shaking his head and stepping backward. “Fuck,” he muttered,

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