Murder of a Royal Pain

Free Murder of a Royal Pain by Denise Swanson

Book: Murder of a Royal Pain by Denise Swanson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Denise Swanson
come up.”
    Annette moved on to the treasurer’s report, and Skye asked Kurt, “What are you doing here, anyway?”
    “Same as last time. Looking for a good story.”
    “Here?” Skye shook her head. “You know the definition of a committee, don’t you?”
    He shook his head.
    “A group that keeps minutes and wastes hours.” Skye grinned. “You write about this stuff and you’ll put your readers to sleep.”
    “I’m not interested in the meeting per se, but the conversations before and after are usually good for a paragraph or two.”
    “Oh.” Did that mean he was going to write about what Mrs. Idell had said?
    “No.” As he had the day he fixed her tire, he seemed to read her mind. “I’m not putting Zinnia Idell’s ravings in my column.”
    “Thank you.” Skye tuned her attention back to the meeting.
    Annette was now exhorting people to work on the haunted house. Skye sank lower in her chair, attempting to avoid eye contact with the woman, but Annette’s stare had zeroed in on her. Skye was frantically trying to think of a good reason she couldn’t volunteer when the home ec room’s door flew open, and Jackie hurried in.
    Annette snapped, “You’re late, Ms. . . . ?”
    “I’m Jackie Jennings, the new social worker.” Jackie smiled apologetically. “I’m so sorry; there was a crisis, and the kids come first.”
    “Yes, of course they do. Take a seat, Ms. Jennings.” Annette waited as Jackie sat next to Mrs. Idell. “I was asking for volunteers to be a part of our haunted-house fund-raiser.”
    Jackie’s hand shot into the air. “I’d love to help.”
    “Super.” Annette turned to Evie Harrison and handed her a clipboard with a pen attached. “Here. Make yourself useful and send the sign-up sheet around.”
    As Evie complied with an exaggerated smile, Skye said to Kurt, “I’m amazed that Evie agreed to be Annette’s assistant. I thought she’d quit the committee after Annette forced her out of the chairmanship.”
    “I asked her about that, and Evie said she was doing it just in case Annette couldn’t fulfill her duties. Evie wanted to be positioned to take over.” Kurt raised his right eyebrow a fraction. “She still has hopes of getting her daughter elected prom queen, and I’m going to find out what her plan is.”
    “Interesting.” Skye teased, “I’ll keep my eye on your column for breaking news.”
    Annette had been watching Evie pass around the haunted-house sign-up sheet, and as woman after woman waved it away, she glared and said, “My own husband will be taking time from his busy dental practice to play the role of Frankenstein, and my lovely daughter will be sacrificing her dance lessons in order to be the zombie cheerleader captain.”
    Skye was surprised. Dylan Paine was her dentist, but she hadn’t realized he was Annette’s husband. They seemed like an odd couple—he was cheerful and easygoing, and she was intense and never seemed satisfied.
    Annette continued, “Our newest committee member, Jackie, is a wonderful example, and our initial volunteers have done a magnificent job building the haunted house. Now it’s time for the rest of you to do your parts. We need ticket sellers, sound and light techs, actors, and people to perform a myriad of other little tasks. I expect everyone here to step up to the plate and take one of these jobs.”
    Skye scowled at the mention of Jackie’s name. What in the heck was she doing here, anyway?
    Forty minutes later, after announcing that their next fund-raiser would be the Christmas House Walk, making a wish list of business donations, and bullying everyone into agreeing that the Promfest colors would be baby blue and silver, Annette ended the meeting.
    As the crowd surged toward the door, Skye made her way to Jackie and tapped her on the shoulder. “Hi, I’m surprised to see you here. Usually only one faculty member attends this type of committee meeting.”
    “Uh . . .” Jackie blinked. “Well . . . Homer

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