WILDER: A Rockstar Romance

Free WILDER: A Rockstar Romance by Vivian Lux

Book: WILDER: A Rockstar Romance by Vivian Lux Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vivian Lux
anymore. I'm not the same girl I was, all naïve and trusting. God, I was such a fool. You must have had so much fun making fun of me behind my back." He protested, but I drowned him out, shouting, "You probably still do, don't you, Keir? You laugh about how you can just snap your fingers and force me to come back to you after all these years!"
    "Yes," he snarled. "That's exactly right, Scarlett. Your keen journalistic mind always gets down right to the truth, doesn't it? You think you've got me all figured out."
    "I don't think , I know. And if you're going to make me go on this tour with you, you should know that the only reason I'd do it is because I need this job." I was about to hit below the belt, but I couldn't seem to stop myself. "You should know as well as anyone why I can't go home again."
    He grunted, and I knew my words had found their mark. "I know," he said grimly. "Believe me, I know." Then his voice grew louder. "I'm trying to do you a fucking favor here. "
    "Favor? You sure about that?"
    "Yeah, a favor. Helping out a friend."
    "Friend?" I scoffed. "More like concubine. You are trying to get me under your thumb again, Keir!"
    Too far, too far.
    I heard his sharp inhale on the other line and instantly regretted what I had said. "I don't want you under my thumb, Scar." His voice was tight.
    He was right, that wasn't fair. It wasn't his fault back then.
    But that didn't mean he was allowed to be an asshole now.
    Apologies sprang to my lips, but I pushed them back. There was absolutely no way I was going to accept this assignment. If it meant my job, well, then it meant my job.
    "Good luck on the tour," I said. My voice sounded strong, sure and formal. Just like how I wanted it to sound. The hard-nosed journalist lifts her chin, unwilling to be beaten down by her source.
    Keir grunted something, but I hung up before he could start to pull me back with sweet words. Because that's what he would do; he'd want to try to fix this. He could never just let anything go, not until it was done right, to his liking.
    He always wanted to fix things. He always wanted to save things.
    He always wanted to save…me.
    I crossed the lot and took the stairs down to my basement floor two at a time, anger heating my blood and filling me with restless energy. I didn't know the neighborhood around here very well, but that was nothing a quick run couldn't help. I slipped my key into the lock, resolving to shed my work clothes and go for an immediate run, use this energy for something good.
    I stepped inside and nearly slipped and fell on my ass.
    Catching myself against the door frame at the last moment, I glared down at the white envelope that stuck to the heel of my shoe.
    Then my heart stopped.
    Those thick pen strokes, the kind that left dents in the paper and marks on any surface below, made my heart stop.
    Kevin's handwriting.
    He knew where I lived; he’d found this place.
    How did he find this place?
    Did he go to HR? Did he sweet talk Marcia right before security came to throw him out on his ass? Did he question somebody? Did somebody rat me out? Did he call my mother? Did they track me down together?
    No matter how it had happened, Kevin had found me.
    I picked up the letter, hands trembling. I didn't want to open it. I wanted to throw it in a fire, run away. He didn't seal the envelope, no need to, really. The message he was leaving me had no need for privacy.
    This neighborhood is a dump. I don't feel safe having you here. I'll be back to check up on you.
    I let the paper fall to the floor, heart hammering even louder.
    He would be back. He knew where I lived, and he would be back again.
    My heart raced as rapidly as my thoughts . I can't get a new apartment. Not yet. I don't have money for the security deposit. I just paid all of the hookups for utilities. I have a year's lease on this place.
    Okay, let's think of what we can do. I could go crash on Myra's couch. Kevin doesn't know her. For a

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