The Invisible Papers

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Book: The Invisible Papers by Agostino Scafidi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Agostino Scafidi
Tags: Fiction & Literature
against you! Part of you knew this outcome were possible yet you persevered anyway in the hopes they’d change their mind or forget about it or simply be nice to you. You were wrong, so sorely mistaken that you’ll never be fooled the same way again!
    Let’s give the peanut gallery something to gawk about! One loves to laugh (laugh at you) and one loves to be mean (mean to you). If he or she could destroy you at the push of a button they just might do it, even though it would end you and end “us”, one just can’t resist the prospect of seeing you succumb to complete and utter destruction! If you have a better idea or simply a wonderfully charming reason why he or she shouldn’t kill you now, please share it with all of us.
    They love winter. This winter seems like it will be brutal though, so cold it could hurt the sides of one’s face, from his or her ear down to their teeth. It burns and burns like his or her head is about to explode, it feels like a fire. It gets him or her angry and then it passes. Pain is directly linked to negative thought. Didn’t you know? It’s true. Pay attention next time, unless you get lost in it and only realize what’s happened after you’ve come out the other side. That’s fine too, just keep trying and one day you’ll see the dark world that pain brings you. You’ll be okay, promise!
    Let’s, let’s, let’s, get the party started. Keep the lights on and the music loud. Use the same words over and over because we’ve got no creativity left. He or she is going to have to borrow some hope and wisdom from the dealer on the corner, he charges a lot of interest though. Nothing is free. One could always pay full price but they’ll have to sell a few things to dust up the capital.
    How are you feeling lately? They’ve got an idea but you might not like it. How about we send you a list of our demands by mail? We promise to use the nicest stationery available!
    They’re basically in pain again and again. Squeezing something from a stone is pretty much their entire daily existence. Maybe not, sometimes it’s not, one gets these swings you see. One doesn’t ride on swings yet he or she still manages to get taken for a ride. The rest of you sit back and watch. Sometimes they’ve got to hang on real tight because things can get hectic, chaotic, fuzzy.
    One wishes they were a vampire. One wishes they were a wizard. It would be nice to be Harry Potter. One doesn’t know which vampire they’d like to be, any would be fine really. It’s got to be a mean one though and not a sappy sparkling one.
    One loves photographs and everything about them. Taking them, filing them, editing them, organizing them, looking at them, sharing them. If one could just scan something then that too would get him or her excited. Sometimes anyway, it’s a little off-topic but close enough, it makes one feel like some kind of investigator! One loves the vibe of the whole thing. His or her biggest fear is that their batteries will burn out right in the middle of a shoot. Wouldn’t you agree that it’s quite the legitimate fear? He or she likes to live on the edge though. Let’s have a big smile!
    For the umpteenth time he or she has deleted their profile from a dating site. A social network of sorts. Some of them lend themselves to quicker real world meetings but some are just black holes, you could get lost in them for months and have nothing to show for it. One wishes they’d all crash and burn. If there were a way to take down those annoying wastes of webspace they’d gladly be the ones to push the red button. “Let me at ‘em!”
    Why does one have a headache every single night? Well not exactly every night but at the most curious and strange times and for unknown reasons! Let’s attach ourselves to fences and wait for the bulldozers to run us over, overheating with a pounding heart. Could one possibly break out of this body? There is a shell, a prison cell and maybe there’s a doorway one can

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