Wolfen Domination

Free Wolfen Domination by Celeste Anwar

Book: Wolfen Domination by Celeste Anwar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celeste Anwar
                A light somewhere ahead of them finally
penetrated the daze she’d fallen into and Erin strained to peer though the
darkness.  She found that they were moving toward it.  A rough hewn cypress
dock that looked too rickety to stand on emerged from the gloom.  The tendrils
of fog that had begun to creep along the surface of the water, parted slightly
and she caught a glimpse of weathered boards amongst the trees a short distance
from the docks.
                She doubted she would even have seen that much
except for the fact that there was a light in one of the windows of the cabin. 
She suspected, even in daylight, the building merged with its surroundings so
completely that it was virtually invisible to anyone who didn’t know it was
                As they poled the boat toward the dock, a dark
figure emerged from the deeper shadows.  The flickering light from the torches
set along the dock limned his figure, the shadows elongating as he moved toward
the end of the dock until he seemed like a giant as he planted his feet
slightly apart and waited.  Despite the wide legged stance, she might have
thought he was completely relaxed except for the fact that his hands were
balled into tight fists.
                The side of the boat butted against one of the
poles holding the dock up.  It jolted Erin out of her abstraction.
                The man on the dock didn’t speak until she’d been
lifted out of the boat and deposited on the dock in front of him.  He crouched
before her, studying her face in the flickering light for several moments.  He
lifted a hand, flicking a finger over the place along her neck where there was
a tiny, whitened scar.  “I knew, eventually, the mark would bring you back to
me, chère.”
                A wave of shock swept over Erin as his voice filtered into
her mind.  “Jesse?”
                He wrapped his hands around her waist, lifting
her to her feet as he stood, thrusting his shoulder into her belly and hauling
her over the hard ridge like a sack of potatoes.  It knocked the breath out of
her, focusing her attention on struggling to drag air into her lungs.
                “She was alone?”
                “ Oui .  No others.  She went back ta de
place, like you said she would.  She was callin’ for you so we come ta bring
her ta you.  Run like hell when she seen us, though.  You watch her, mon ami.  I guarantee she be gone you doan mind out.  She fast, move like greased
lightnin’ when de mood move her.”
                “Many thanks--for everything, mes ami ,”
Jesse responded.
                “You shore you doan need help wid dat one?” one
of the men asked with a laugh.
                Jesse swatted her ass smartly with the palm of
his hand.  “But, oui , mon ami .  Dis woman an’ me, we go way back,
don’ we chère ?  We been good friends, very good friends.”
                The swat jolted Erin out of her shocked stupor. 
She sucked in a painful bite of air and let out a huff of anger.  Rearing up
abruptly, she wiggled her legs, trying to free herself from his grip.  He
placed a palm in the middle of her shoulders and shoved her down again.
                The two men in the boat began to laugh.  Waving,
they pushed the boat away from the pier and disappeared into the gloom as Jesse
turned and strode purposefully along the dock, the heels of his boots beating
out a threatening tattoo that made Erin’s belly quiver with dread.
                The darkness closed in around them as Jesse
stepped off of the dock and onto soft, mossy grass.  He continued without any
noticeable difficultly in negotiating the pitch darkness.  His feet struck wood
again a few moments layer as he climbed a shallow set of steps and crossed a
wooden porch.
                A door creaked open on rusted

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