Zombie High

Free Zombie High by Shawn Kass

Book: Zombie High by Shawn Kass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shawn Kass
people feared
things like nuclear weapons from Russia. Now, it would
seem, it will be your crypt.
    Three days go by, and while you have found
yourself a few protein bars and energy drinks to keep
yourself going, you end up dying of dehydration.
The End
    Leaping up the stairs two at a time, you say, “Come
on, we have to get out of here!”
Still standing at the bottom of the stairs, Alexis
says, “But I got bit. What are we going to do?”
Stopping at the top, you look back and say, “Just
come with me. We’ll go to the nurse’s office and soak it in
alcohol and peroxide. I’m sure that will clean it up.”
Understanding your plan, Alexis sniffles once more
before she regains her composure. Leaning down, she
picks up her bat and sets her face with a fierce look of
determination before saying, “Okay, let’s do this,” and
follows you up the stairs.
When she gets to the top, you say, “All right, the
goal is the nurse’s office. The fastest way there is across
the gym through those doors and then hang right out in
the hall.”
“What if we run into more of them?” asks Alexis.
“Then we knock their freaking heads off and keep
Bringing her bat up to her shoulder, Alexis smiles
and says, “I can do that.”
Together, the two of you head out, running across
the gym floor, jumping over the bodies of the fallen
zombies you saw on the way in, and trying not to slip in
the puddle of muck accumulated around each of them.
You reach the door first and burst through it, knowing
that Alexis is right behind you. In the hall however, you
find a dozen zombies, mostly ex-students, milling around,
as if they were waiting for you to come out. Without
hesitating, you bring your bat up in an arc, catching the
first zombie on the chin, shattering its jaw.
You continue to swing away at the mass of zombies
even as Alexis enters the hall behind you and begins to
help. The two of you seem to have things under control
as you knock down one after another of the horrid
creatures, but since you are each too busy swinging and
not communicating, an accident was bound to happen.
When there are only two zombies left, you wind up
for your next swing and step forward as you begin to bring
the bat home like Babe Ruth going for a homerun.
Unfortunately, Alexis was too busy putting down her
nightmare version of the head of the chess club, and
when she winds up for the last zombie, she accidentally
hits you in the head, causing your bat to fly from your
hands and you to drop to the ground.
Apologizing profusely, Alexis leans down to look
into your crossed eyes and asks if you’re all right. Unable
to find the words to respond through the dense soup of
fog which seems to have overtaken your brain, you also
can’t remember what’s wrong with the deformed looking
face of the kid that is stepping up behind her.
You try to concentrate, try to recall something that
seems urgent, but when you blink your eyes, you find it’s
because something thick and wet just sprayed across your
face. Unable to get up, you realize that a burning
sensation of pain is coming from your arm. When you try
to look over, you find Ginger, one of the redheaded guys
from your fifth period math class, leaning his face against
your arm. He seems strange for some reason, almost like
he is taking a nap there, but with his mouth resting
against your flesh.
The End
Heading For the Shop Class
    Deciding there will be far more useful things you
can use in the shop than a few bats and such, you turn
and quickly head for the other end of the school. On the
way, you pass by the Registrar’s Office and see the closed
blinds quickly slap against the glass window of the door.
Stopping, you whisper, “Miss Gail, are you there?” You
know that she’s been around the school for something
like thirty years, and despite being almost retirement age,
you know that she’s a survivor, someone you’d happily
have with you in this mess. After a minute

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