The Firemage's Vengeance

Free The Firemage's Vengeance by Garrett Robinson

Book: The Firemage's Vengeance by Garrett Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Garrett Robinson
Tags: BluA
    Their position seemed untenable. Often Ebon felt that they were drawing a blanket over an ever-widening hole in the floor, and hoping they would not get in trouble when some unwitting child fell into it and broke their neck.
    Theren gave him an uneasy look. Ebon nodded at her. “It is your choice,” he said quietly.
    She sighed and turned to Dasko. “Tell me what the Academy faculty knows of Isra’s reappearance.”
    “We know nothing,” said Dasko. Again his voice made Ebon shudder. It was like hearing a corpse speak.
    Theren shook her head. “Tell me what the Academy faculty suspects of Isra’s reappearance.”
    “Most think Isra must be getting help from inside the Academy,” he said. “There will be an investigation to unearth anyone she may be using. We will look for anyone who shows signs of being under mindwyrd.”
    Theren stiffened. Ebon’s heart leapt to his throat, and he spoke. “How would you find someone being held in mindwyrd?”
    Dasko said nothing. Theren gave an exasperated sigh. “Tell me how you would find someone being held in mindwyrd.”
    “There are sometimes gaps in the memory, for Isra would not want the victim to remember seeing her,” he said. “Therefore she would command them to forget the meeting.”
    Ebon and Theren looked at each other. “If they question him, he could lead them to us,” said Ebon.
    “Yes,” said Dasko, surprising them both by speaking without being prompted. “In fact Dean Forredar already strongly suspects you, Ebon.”
    “Tell us who else suspects us,” said Theren.
    “No one,” said Dasko. “Jia thinks Xain’s suspicion is paranoia, born of his hatred for Ebon’s family.”
    “Still, we should do what we can to hide the effects of mindwyrd,” said Ebon.
    Theren nodded. “I think I know how. Dasko, when you leave here tonight, you will remember being out upon the grounds, but you will remember it as if you were alone. You will remember speaking to no one, nor hearing anyone speak to you. You will remember all of our previous visits the same way—you have been visiting the grounds alone each night, on your own, and speaking to no one.”
    “Yes,” said Dasko.
    “Leave us now. Enter the Academy, and then forget.”
    “Yes.” He left them, slipping out through the gap in the hedge.
    Theren sank down onto the bench, her whole body going limp as though she had just run a mile. Ebon quickly took a seat beside her and put a hand on her shoulder. Kalem came in a moment later, his eyes filled with concern.
    “I am sorry, Theren,” said Ebon. She looked exhausted. But when she lifted her head to look at him, he saw the weariness was in her eyes—a bone-sunk debility of the soul.
    “It is wrong, Ebon,” she whispered. “This is wrong. I know it is, and yet I cannot stop. How can I go on, committing a new evil every night?”
    “We are only keeping ourselves safe for now,” he said. “And we will come to a solution. I promise you. We will not rest until this is over.”
    “Of course we will not rest,” she said. “I can barely even sleep these days.”
    Ebon stood and held out his hand. She took it and allowed him to pull her to her feet. They made their way towards the Academy with arms over each other’s shoulders—not to remain upright, but merely for comfort.
    Then they opened the white cedar door and nearly ran into Dean Forredar.
    Xain stopped short just before they hit him, and though the children took a hasty step back, he did not move. He had eyes only for Ebon, and disgust burned in his gaze.
    “Dean Forredar,” murmured Kalem.
    “What were you doing out upon the grounds?” said Xain. “Curfew has been called.”
    “It is not against the rules,” said Theren. But some of her usual fire had left her voice.
    “It is cold out,” said Xain. “After an encounter like you all had last night, most students would wish to remain inside, where the danger seems less.”
    “Are we in danger upon the Academy

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