8 Mile & Rion

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Book: 8 Mile & Rion by K.S. Adkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.S. Adkins
and she kept it simple.
    “Here’s the address to impound. Go get my car and meet me at the apartment.”
    Not waiting for my answer, she turns and walks away.

‘I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want.’
    Fucking Sugar.
    Once that shit show was over, I came home, took my hair down and poured myself a drink. I rarely drink anymore but this nightmare qualifies. Now that he’s safe I want to smack him upside the head for getting himself arrested. Granted, Sugar is known for stunts like this, but he’s four times her size. He could have walked away or got in my car. But no, he pushed her and Sugar being Sugar saw an opportunity and took it.
    I feel his presence when he walks in and part of my anger abates. Fuck, I was just so worried about him. Pouring him a glass of wine, I walk it over but he just stands there like a kicked puppy. A man that large shouldn’t look adorable when he thinks he’s in trouble.
    “Rion,” he says taking the glass, “I didn’t stand you up, I was on the phone with Rio and that whore, I mean woman wouldn’t leave me alone. I tried, but then she started touching me. I don’t like people touching me and I---“
    Pressing my hand over his mouth, I closed my eyes and when I opened them I laid it out there. “Loyal, you’re not from here but you have to keep your hands to yourself whether she had it coming or not. Knowing Sugar, she did. But, had I not known the judge and called in my marker you’d be in jail.”
    “What marker?”
    “I take his bets,” I tell him shrugging. “I also used to be an attorney…sometimes.”
    “That’s the job you quit? You were an attorney?”
    “You were good,” he says. “No, I bet you were really fucking good.”
    “I was okay,” I tell him smiling at the compliment. “I spent more time taking bets than taking cases. Stay away from the talent Loyal, they’re trouble.”
    “I wasn’t looking for talent,” he says, pulling me toward him. “I was trying to get to you .” He was being sweet and I didn’t know what to do with sweet. This was new and I wanted more of it. “Thank you, Rion,” he whispers from his lips to mine. “I owe you dinner.”
    Wrapping my arms around his neck and putting myself as close to him as possible, I kiss him back softly. “You owe me two dinners, plus dessert and now maybe some dancing. I’ll take the dancing as payment for services rendered.”
    I don’t know how it happened or why, but he started…smiling. It was a beautiful smile just like I knew it would be. His eyes crinkled at the sides, his teeth were white and fuck me, he had one dimple. My heart couldn’t take the dimple. That’s when I decided I wouldn’t give up. I wanted him to be mine by any means necessary.
    “I win,” I declare, throwing myself in his arms.
    “I made you smile with three days to spare,” I tell him giggling. “So that’s three dinners, dessert, dancing and one other thing but I can’t think of anything right now. I’m too busy memorizing your smile.”
    “You don’t lose bets do you?”
    “Nope,” I tell him kissing his cheek. “I’m all about the long shot.”
    “Rion,” he says quietly, “I need to kiss you again.”
    “You never have to ask, Loyal,” I say pulling him down to the couch.
    “I wasn’t asking,” he growls, following me down but smiled while he did it.
    Fuck yeah, I won.

‘Kissing is one thing, to be kissed back and tackled by her passion is another.’
    ~Loyal Hart
    Taking her mouth I tried to be gentle but found that I couldn’t. Not when she sucked my tongue into her mouth and tried swallowing it like a fucking oyster. When her hands gripped my sides, pulling me closer, my dick thought it would be a good time to get in on the action. Moving her so she was across my lap she deepened the kiss and then I pulled her slight weight down so I could feel her all over me.
    Feeling her, that’s all I wanted. It was also probably not

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