8 Mile & Rion

Free 8 Mile & Rion by K.S. Adkins

Book: 8 Mile & Rion by K.S. Adkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.S. Adkins
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    He’ll show.
    Picking up my knife, I try to be stealthy when I check my hair and teeth. Taking a small sip of wine I glance over at my phone and press the button. It’s ten to seven. I said seven so he’s not late. Maybe he’s one of those on the nose types. He was a Marine, duh. Of course he’s always on time. How do guys do this? Asking someone out is hell on the nerves. I’ve never done the actual asking before and really this time I didn’t either. I issued a challenge and hoped he accepted it.
    Taking another sip, my phone pings and I pick it up right away. It’s not him texting me, it’s Tank. Dammit, I knew he’d worry. Assuring him everything is fine and promising to tell him if it wasn’t, I shut my screen down and start to get nervous.
    My glass is half empty. It’s taking everything I’ve got not to down it and order another. He’s not from here so maybe he got turned around? Maybe he can’t find a parking spot. Looking at my phone again I see it’s now seven fifteen. Okay, so maybe he’s not coming.
    When the server comes back, I tell myself one more glass. Give the guy a chance. Trying to relax I take in the scene, watch the people and before you know it, it’s eight twenty and I’m buzzed. I can handle vodka, even a few beers, but wine kicks my ass every time. Wanting to wait but knowing I need to let all things Loyal go, I silently curse myself for pushing too hard. I’ve just never met anyone like him. He’s so guarded, chivalrous though he tries to hide it and extremely humble. It doesn’t hurt that he’s huge and jacked either. Though he’s gruff and abrasive, he’s gentle with me when he relaxes. He wasn’t a happy person but I wanted to be the one that gave him a reason to smile, I knew I wanted more. I’m hooked on him and I can’t curb it. But it really didn’t matter because, I’m also stood up.
    The reality of it all sucked. When it came to placing a bet, I never lost.
    Until now.
    Taking the hint as I promised I would, I quietly paid my bill foregoing dinner because rejection stole my appetite. Even walking down the steps was an effort. I can’t explain why I was so heartbroken, but I was. I really thought he felt something too. Picking up on social cues was never really my thing. Taking no for an answer, even less so. But I thought… you know what? It doesn’t matter what I thought.
    I thought wrong.
    He made it clear we weren’t friends, that we were, in fact temporary. When he kissed me right before I started yelling I thought…then it hit me, he kissed me to shut me up.
    Picking up my pace I wanted to run to the road, hail a cab and get the fuck out of here. Like a fool, I took a cab here hoping we could drive back together and continue our date. Just as I reach the last set of steps I hear my phone. Swiping it open, I quickly lost that final shred of hope when I hear Rio’s voice.
    “We got a problem,” he says. “Loyal got arrested after his last collection.”
    “What?” I ask breathless. “Arrested? What for?”
    “Solicitation and assault,” he says, growling it out. “He didn’t do it, Junior. I was on the phone with him while the talent was fucking with him. She wouldn’t stop so he pushed her away. She fell and called the cops saying he propositioned her, then beat her when she said no.”
    “Find out when his hearing is and who’s hearing it,” I tell him, jogging to the street.
    “Already did. Tomorrow morning eight a.m. Anderson is hearing it.” he says. “He wanted to be here, Junior. I was bringing him clothes.”
    “He was?” I whisper. “You were?”
    “Yeah,” he confirms. “I was.”
    “My car?”
    “I’ll use the other one,” I tell him. “Thanks Rio.”
    After three shots of vodka and two Hail Mary’s, I went to bed but didn’t sleep. I couldn’t sleep knowing he was down at County alone. But mostly it’s because he wasn’t in here watching over me while he thought I slept.

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