Her Incubus Master (The Children of Lilith)

Free Her Incubus Master (The Children of Lilith) by Bliss Devlin

Book: Her Incubus Master (The Children of Lilith) by Bliss Devlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bliss Devlin
her long-unused vibrator. It was funny—she'd
gone for such a long time without regular orgasms, and now, suddenly, she
couldn't get enough of them.
    Or get enough of Andras, with his almost-magical ability to
sense exactly what she needed sexually, even when she didn't know it herself.
    * * *
    Amanda watched Katie's sexual frustration build in Andras'
absence, a task made easier by Katie's anxious surveillance. Damn my
busybody brother, he must have said something to the girl.
    And how cruel was that , to ensure that Amanda was
continually taunted by something she couldn't have, a rich feast dangling just
out of reach?
    Amanda knew about her twin's rules for his new lover, of
course—almost all incubi and succubae used a variant of them to ensure proper
levels of sexual energy in their human companions.
    After the third week, she could tell Katie was approaching
real discomfort. Her aura, usually a pleasing electrum blaze, was ripening like
a peach with the red blush of sexual deprivation.
    She would be so responsive now to a kiss, a touch, just the
merest suggestion of Amanda's power... No, better not .
    As if summoned by Amanda's hungry thoughts, Katie appeared
at her office door.
    * * *
    Oh, man, Amanda looks terrible , Katie thought. No
wonder Andras was worried about her.
    She had been noticing the usually-energetic Director of
Marketing looking more and more tired. Today, she looked just about ready to
fall over, and the way she was sitting—
    Normally, Amanda had perfect posture when sitting at the
computer. In fact, Julie, the office ergonomic specialist, often used Amanda as
an example of The Right Way to Sit.
    But not today. The red-haired woman's shoulders drooped. In
fact, she was actually slouching in her chair.
    Katie looked around furtively, kind of hoping that Julie was
lurking nearby. She did that, hoping to catch you committing an
"ergo-sin" by resting your wrists on the keyboard, or moving the
mouse in the wrong way.
    Julie would totally plotz if she saw Amanda the Good Example
slouching in front of her computer, resting her entire forearm on the desk to
use the mouse.
    But there was something else , something weird in the
periphery of her vision. Katie blinked, sure that her eyes were playing tricks
on her. Just for an instant, she had seen what looked like wings...
    ...it was just like those weird moments she'd been having
sporadically while in bed with Andras.
    God, I hope I'm not going nuts , thought Katie. It's
bad enough that I've turned into some kind of kinky sex fiend.
    On impulse, she decided not to bug Amanda with her question
about the Bellow! prototypes. She could email Jeff the sales guy,
instead. In fact, he was probably a better person to talk to about the client's
    "Hey, Amanda. I was thinking of running over to Tong's
to grab a chicken salad for lunch. Wanna join me?"
    It would probably do Amanda a world of good to get away from
the office for a while and have a healthy—well, semi- healthy meal, if
you ignored the crunchy fried white things topping the salad, and the
deliciously creamy spicy peanut sauce dressing which probably had a thousand
high-carb calories.
    "I'm afraid I already have lunch plans," Amanda said,
    At Katie's disappointed look, she added, making an obvious
effort to smile, "But I was wondering whether you'd like to get together
for brunch tomorrow? My place? I'll make us mimosas and omelets, and then I
want to hear all about how things are going with my brother."
    "Sure!" Katie said, both surprised and pleased.
"I'd love to! Can I bring anything? There's a farmer's market on Saturday
mornings, just around the corner from me. I could pick up some strawberries or
something. "
    "That would be lovely. How does ten o'clock
    "Great! See you then!" If nothing else, she'd make
sure that Amanda ate a decent meal.
    * * *
    With a cheery wave, Katie strode away.
    What was I thinking, to invite the girl over and feed her
champagne? Amanda watched those

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