Her Incubus Master (The Children of Lilith)

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Book: Her Incubus Master (The Children of Lilith) by Bliss Devlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bliss Devlin
on a whim.
That kind of impulsiveness wasn't like him at all—in the past, I was
always the one who would get sick of a place and decide to move on, and he
always followed me, sooner or later. That's one reason I'm so glad that you
seem to have hit it off."
    Katie drank more of the bubbly ambrosia. Amanda had refilled
her glass.
    "It must be really nice to have such a close
relationship with your brother. My brother and sister are a lot older than I
am—like, my brother was getting ready to graduate from high school when I was
born." Katie giggled. "I was an 'oops!' baby after my parents thought
they were done, and it was kind of like being an only child. Mike and Stacey
were always nice to me, but we never had much in common. They were always more
like my uncle and aunt than the kind of siblings my friends had. You and Andras
sound like you're more of a package deal."
    Amanda smiled. "You could say that. We have an older
sister, Korinna, but Andras and I have always been inseparable. Part of it
might be because we're twins, but a lot of it is probably because we spent so
much time living in foreign countries while we were growing up." She
paused, and her manner suddenly shifted to flirtatious. "Has Andras told
you about the time we shared the same girlfriend?"
    Katie nearly choked on her drink. "No! How did that
    "We were living in Germany at the time. Sabine was a
friend of mine—I had the most horrible crush on her, but was too shy to let her
know. She eventually figured it out, though, and we started dating...secretly,
because her parents were really conservative and would have made things really
unpleasant if they'd found out that their daughter was having a same-sex
relationship. So, officially, Sabine was being courted by Andras. Great cover
story, except that I found out it was true."
    "And then what happened?" Katie asked, fascinated.
    "Well," said Amanda, pragmatically. "I had
four choices." She ticked them off on her manicured fingers."One:
Write a dramatic suicide note about my broken heart and kill myself. Two: Kill
Andras, fake a dramatic suicide note, and hide his body." She smiled. "At
the time, I rather liked that idea, and had to talk myself out of it."
    Katie laughed, and Amanda continued, "Three: Break up
with Sabine and let Andras have her. But that would have meant letting him win.
Couldn't have that! Or, four: find a way for both of us to date her."
    "And she was okay with that?"
    Amanda laughed again. "She loved it. At first,
we each saw her alone, but pretty soon, she wanted us with her at the same
time. Maybe she thought we'd be jealous or competitive."
    "Were you?"
    Amanda expression was wicked. "No, we cooperated. She
wasn't expecting that. Her parents had gone out that evening, so we tied Sabine
up and played with her until she was screaming with pleasure. "
    Katie had a vivid flash of memory, and felt her face heat.
    Amanda leaned in close, and touched Katie's cheek with a
light caress. Her fingers felt ice-cold against Katie's alcohol-heated skin
"Ah, so you've already played that game with my brother, have you? That
bastard never shares any of the juicy details with me. Did you enjoy
    Katie licked her lips, and saw Amanda's intense gaze, green
as her brother's, fasten on her mouth. "Yes. I, uh, did."
    "Tell me. I want details," Amanda ordered. She
moved fractionally closer, so that she was now practically cuddling with Katie.
    Strangely, Katie didn't mind. Amanda smelled nice, and it
never felt like she was invading personal space, even when she was pressed up
right against you.
    "Well, um, I kind of have this little problem,"
Katie began, awkwardly, surprising herself with her willingness to obey
Amanda's request. She usually didn't discuss her sex life with anyone . "Before
I met your brother, I could never, um, climax while I was having sex..."
    She continued talking. It became easier as she went along,
until the details were spilling out of her, spurred by Amanda's interest

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