Ann Carr

Free Ann Carr by Loyal Warrior

Book: Ann Carr by Loyal Warrior Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loyal Warrior
Henry’s need of it he must know, and it must be of considerable worth.
    Elizabeth could feel the tension in the air coming from both sets of men, her brother’s men now carrying the chests back towards the waiting wagon at Henry’s side were looking very apprehensive, for in order for them to lift the chests they had had to lay down their swords, which now meant that they had no means of defense.
    Duncan knew all of his men were alert and waiting for the signal to act. He knew he had to hold them back and wait for their best chance, which came when Henry’s men were half way through the camp. Duncan lifted his hand from Shadows’ nose, which was their signal to attack! Not missing a beat every man reached for his sword, they turned as one, letting out a bloodcurdling cry of war.
    Henry’s men in the middle of it all were trapped, liked stunned rabbits, not knowing whether to run back for their weapons or forward to seek protection behind their ranks. That moment’s indecision cost them their chance of escape, Duncan’s men were almost upon them, death in their eyes. Dropping the chests they huddled together in a circle, back to back.
    Henry jumped from his horse and taking the jeweled dagger out from his belt he held it up against John’s throat. “Stop them Duncan or I will kill him!” he screamed, his control was beginning to snap.
    Not doubting Henry’s word, and not having time to think about his course of action Duncan let out a loud command which his men responded to instantaneously, with complete trust in his decisions. Duncan only hoped that his actions would not get them all killed.
    “Throw your weapons on the ground! Now!” Henry demanded. His own pulse racing at how quickly things had turned. He had not thought that Duncan would have put the life of his man in jeopardy like that! Yes he had a reputation as a fierce warrior; however he had one major chink in his armor, which was his loyalty to his men. Many would consider this an admirable trait however Henry merely acknowledged it as a weakness, a weakness he intended to manipulate!
    “You too Campbell!” he shouted.
    Duncan gazed at John and reluctantly dropped his own sword to the ground.
    “What are you waiting for? Bring the damn chests here!” Jumping, Henry’s men tried quickly to pull themselves together, they bent as one and continued their procession toward Henry, trying to control their shaking bodies.
    Placing the chests in front of him, they quickly scurried to retrieve their weapons before dissolving into the ranks of their own men.
    Barely containing himself Henry stepped forward, knowing that what this chest held would give him his independence from his father. Independence to wage his own campaigns, to become even more powerful than his own father was now, and when that time came he would deal with them all!
    Henry could barely believe his good fortune at discovering what was hidden beneath the ancient wood of the chest. The only shame was that he had not discovered it while it had been in his own possession! Things would have been so much simpler that way. But he mustn’t grumble he consoled himself, this way he was still going to gain all the riches with the added bonus of killing not one but two Scottish Lords, not to mention his sister. All in all he mused; the day was going to end very well for him!
    Not able to resist any longer, he bent down, took hold of the lid and lifted. It didn’t move! Lifting his left arm, he shook his fist and called out for one of his soldiers, who walked forward with a large axe in his hand. As he neared the chest, he raised his arms above his head and brought the axe down heavily onto the lid of the chest. He let out a not too masculine yelp as it clinked against the lid, coming to a swift stop, the impact travelling up his arms. He dropped the axe in pain, missing his feet by only inches!
    “What are you doing?” Henry demanded.
    “It’s made from metal my Lord; it’ll take more than an

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