
Free Alive by Chandler Baker

Book: Alive by Chandler Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chandler Baker
    “It wasn’t that bad,” adds Henry. “And also, who cares what he thinks?” Probably every girl in the senior class, I could tell him, but that would be like telling a
five-year-old not to believe in Santa Claus.
    “I’ve heard he’s a trust-fund kid,” Brynn says, making me feel as though the entire school had been involved in a game of telephone.
    “You know, he can probably hear you,” I hiss. But in truth, he probably doesn’t, because Tess and Caroline are on their way over to his table right now in that hip-swinging way
that screams
Look at me
, and, to my deep disappointment, it seems to be totally, completely working.
    “Incoming,” says Brynn.
    Since last period, Tess has undergone a miraculous makeover. The lingering signs of her hangover have been replaced by pink lips, sparkly blush, and a fresh layer of gold-flecked eye shadow. At
the next table over, she’s so close to me I can smell the floral perfume wafting off her skin.
    From where I’m sitting, I can only hear Tess and Caroline clearly. They exchange pleasantries, with Tess acting like she’s the cruise ship director of the school.
    “Ten bucks one of them sleeps with him before the end of the week.” Brynn pops another Dorito into her mouth and licks the orange dust off her fingers.
    I whip my head around. “What? Why? Why would you say that?”
    She jerks her chin back. “Um, have you seen the welcoming committee over there? Here’s your student-body handbook, a plate of fresh-baked cookies, and a box of condoms.”
    “My money’s on Tess,” Henry says.
    I feel a spike in my temperature. “Well, you would know.”
    Henry freezes mid-bite into a cheeseburger. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
    I’d never asked whether Henry slept with Tess when they were dating and he’d never volunteered it, so if I had to guess, it would be a firm yes, that totally happened. And now the
sight of her falling over Levi is enough to make me need a Xanax.
    Maybe the better question is, Why do I care so much? It was almost imperceptible, something I could only notice in the absence of a thing rather than in its presence, but as soon as Levi sat
near us, I felt a weight lifting from my chest.
    The constant ache that has been gnawing at me for weeks slipped away and I felt a peace in my bones that had gone missing.
    Henry and Brynn are talking, but I’m barely listening. I nod. Henry’s annoyed with me. I try to care, but is it just me or is Levi sneaking glances this way?
    “Why don’t you just pee on him, Stella? That would be less obvious.”
    “Shut. Up,” I say, and without meaning to, I slam my fist on the table. I should apologize, but I still can’t focus enough to do it.
    Brynn slides her books off the table into her bag. “Come on, Henry. Stella’s clearly having some issues of the feminine variety.”
    I scowl at her with no worthy comeback. Henry pushes his chair back and fixes me with a look that seems more pitying than angry. “Stella, we’re all willing to give you a bit of a
pass, but—”
    “Don’t what?”
    “Don’t give me a free pass. I’m fine.” Then, in a lower voice. “Look, I’m sorry. Brynn, are we still on for after school?”
    She peers down her nose at me. “Yeah, just leave the attitude at home, where it belongs, okay?”
    I attempt a feeble smile, but when I return my attention to Levi, certain that now that I’m alone, he’ll perhaps venture a smile or a wave or come over to chat, I see that he’s
already following Tess out the door. My heart butts painfully against my rib cage in protest.

Whoever said child labor was banned in the first world forgot to tell my parents.
    I hoist a top-of-the-line stroller, aka baby tank, out the side of my Jetta. The wheel crashes into my big toe and I hop around the parking lot on one foot. “Ouch! Jesus Christ!”
    Elsie giggles and slaps her hands on the sides of her car seat. “Uh-oh!”
    I scowl at her through the open

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