An Expert in Domination

Free An Expert in Domination by Sindra van Yssel

Book: An Expert in Domination by Sindra van Yssel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sindra van Yssel
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, BDSM
and they’re probably looking at another scene now. And you were lovely, in any case.” He scanned her face. Her cheeks were still very pink, and her eyes were wet. Was she mortified?
    But then she smiled. “Well then. I wouldn’t have thought it possible you’d make me come in such a distracting place, but you made me forget all about where I was. And that was fantastic. What a crazy adventure. What’s next, Colby?”
    She made his name sound as sweet as any “Sir,” and he wasn’t going to make her change now. “The steak dinner.”
    “Yeah. Still. It’s going to be quite a weekend, and you’ll need your strength. I want to learn a little more about you. I want to negotiate with you what we’ll do. After that I have another demo to give—all about rope, this time. I’d love it if you watched, but I’d understand if you want to do something else.” He loved teaching, but he was resenting the time it was taking him away from Sophia because their time together would already be so short.
    She nodded. “I don’t really have much interest in tying people up. Being tied, though.” She got a faraway look in her eyes for a moment. “That was very nice, thank you. With or without that evil vibrator.”
    “It’s not evil. It’s just misunderstood.”
    “Might I have permission to go visit the bonfire after dinner? Assuming it stops raining and they can get it going.”
    His talk was directed mostly at tops, unfortunately. She might learn some things that were useful to her, but she’d come to Bondage Ranch for something quite different from hanging out with him. As a top, it was his responsibility to seek what was best for her, and that wasn’t listening to him drone on. “The bonfire sounds like a good idea. But keep your clothes on. I’ll seek you out there when I’m done with my presentation.”
    “Shouldn’t I come to you?”
    “Would you get more out of your experience if you didn’t have to look at a watch or worry about time?”
    She nodded.
    “Then stay at the bonfire, and I’ll come to you. But understand that when I get there, I will want you to be mine and ready to serve.”
    She nibbled her lip, but he could tell she was pleased. “Yes, Colby,” she said, far more demurely than he would have thought possible an hour ago.
    He untied the last knot and tossed the rope in the bag, then picked up the blanket and wrapped it around her. “You’ll need some dry clothes. Where are they?”
    “I have a bag in my car that has a few things I never managed to cart to my tent. I can put on my wet clothes to get there.”
    He shook his head. “No, you don’t. You’re sweating, and you’re going to cool down in the air. Just stay still a second, and I’ll get you warm and decent enough for the parking lot.”
    He adjusted the blanket around her and picked up one of the coils of rope he’d just used on her body. He tied the rope around her waist for a belt and then ran another line diagonally between her cleavage and over her shoulder, fastening it again in the back to create some extra tension on the blanket. “There. That will hold, and be dry and warm.”
    Sophia checked out the work he’d done. “Do you dress people like this often?”
    He shook his head. “Nope. But I figured it would work. That’s part of what I want to talk about tonight—that good rope work isn’t about memorizing a bunch of knots and ties, it is about knowing a few knots and then being able to use them creatively because you know how they work.”
    Sophia seemed to study him for a long moment.
    “What are you thinking?” he asked.
    “It’s like an art form for you, isn’t it? I looked up at you on the stage and thought there’s a man who’s not in touch with himself or his world. Locked up indoors, armored in leather, holding a whip that puts him at a distance from the person he’s trying to connect to. But you touch me, and you’re so intense about it. You hugged me when I expected you

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